2014-Feb-10 20:36 UTC
[Puppet Users] puppet 3.4: N00b has Trouble with regexes in a if-else structure manifest config.pp
Hi I'm probably doing something horribly wrong. I can sense it, but it hasn't properly kicked in yet... I'm trying to create a module for iptables. This is to make servers that have similar purpose, have the same flrewall configuration. I created the modules/iptables/{manifests,files,templates} structure, Iike I have for a few modules I have been able to put together. For some reason puppet claims not to see the iptables:::config class, which I have tried to setup in multiple ways, using regexes. Configuration is like so: class iptables::config { ## servers with "host" in their name if $hostname =~ /\w*host+(.*)/ { ## iptables config file file { "/etc/sysconfig/iptables": ensure => present, source => "puppet://puppet/modules/iptables/iptables.vmhosts", mode => 0600, require => Class["iptables::install"], notify => Class["iptables::service"], } } ## (Anything with "qtm" in its hostname ) elsif $hostname =~ /\S*qtm\D+(.*)/ { ## iptables config file file { "/etc/sysconfig/iptables": ensure => present, source => "puppet://puppet/modules/iptables/iptables.qtm", mode => 0600, require => Class["iptables::install"], notify => Class["iptables::service"], } } .......snip... else { ##The others are custom jobs ( ) so they cant be grouped so easy. ## Working on that... warning("Coming soon for $hostname") } } The agents all cry "Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class iptables::config for myname on node me" Please can some kind person show a poor little beginner what I am doing wrong? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit