Glenn Poston
2013-Nov-28 04:53 UTC
[Puppet Users] facter --timing does not show timing of external facts
From If you are interested in finding out where any bottlenecks are, you can run> Facter in timing mode and it will reflect how long it takes to parse your > external facts:facter --timingThe output should look similar to the > timing for Ruby facts, but will name external facts with their full paths. > For example:$ facter --timingkernel: 14.81ms/usr/lib/facter/ext/ > 48.72ms/usr/lib/facter/ext/ 32.69ms/usr/lib/facter/ext/full.json: > 104.71ms/usr/lib/facter/ext/sample.txt: 0.65ms.... However, from the output below you can see that facter is in fact loading external facts from script, but the timing data for that script is not being ouptut. [root@fisheye-10-0-2-15 dist]# facter --version 1.7.3 [root@fisheye-10-0-2-15 dist]# ls /etc/facter/facts.d/ [root@fisheye-10-0-2-15 dist]# /etc/facter/facts.d/ environment=test vxml-generate_sqs=generateVXML ivr-publish_sqs=edgeConfig cassandra_keyspace=PureCloud cassandra_cluster=analytics analyticsApiSegmentIndexConsusmerMaxNumberOfMessages=1 analyticsApiSegmentIndexConsusmerWaitTimeSeconds=1 analyticsApiSegmentIndexConsusmerVisibilityTimeout=1 [root@fisheye-10-0-2-15 dist]# facter --timing kernel: 1.58ms lsbdistid: 0.11ms lsbdistid: 0.10ms operatingsystem: 5480.56ms osfamily: 11421.73ms macaddress: 0.07ms macaddress: 0.06ms macaddress: 4.51ms hardwaremodel: 1.46ms architecture: 2.51ms rubysitedir: 0.08ms memorysize_mb: 0.25ms memorysize: 0.46ms memorytotal: 0.58ms netmask_eth1: 7.02ms sshecdsakey: 0.03ms sshecdsakey: 0.03ms hostname: 2.34ms blockdevice_sr0_size: 0.08ms boardmanufacturer: 0.02ms vlans: 0.13ms vlans: 0.03ms ipaddress6_lo: 6.48ms ipaddress6_lo: 6.69ms uniqueid: 2.49ms operatingsystemrelease: 0.11ms blockdevice_sr1_size: 0.02ms uptime_seconds: 4.58ms uptime_hours: 4.81ms selinux: 2.50ms augeasversion: 0.74ms mtu_lo: 7.52ms network_eth1: 15.86ms id: 2.46ms virtual: 0.04ms virtual: 0.02ms virtual: 23.01ms processor0: 0.03ms path: 0.02ms lsbdistdescription: 0.21ms lsbdistdescription: 0.10ms ipaddress_eth0: 7.06ms lsbrelease: 0.14ms lsbrelease: 0.10ms netmask_eth0: 6.71ms ipaddress6: 4.57ms ipaddress6: 5.06ms serialnumber: 0.02ms facterversion: 0.08ms domain: 7.44ms fqdn: 0.04ms puppetversion: 207.49ms physicalprocessorcount: 4.25ms swapsize_mb: 0.35ms ipaddress6_eth1: 6.42ms ipaddress6_eth1: 6.21ms memoryfree_mb: 0.28ms memoryfree: 0.51ms sshdsakey: 0.07ms blockdevice_sda_vendor: 0.06ms bios_version: 0.02ms filesystems: 3.75ms rubyversion: 0.03ms cfkey: 0.05ms cfkey: 0.04ms mtu_eth1: 5.58ms sshecdsakey: 0.05ms sshecdsakey: 23.63ms sshfp_ecdsa: 23.97ms sshecdsakey: 0.09ms sshecdsakey: 0.07ms sshfp_ecdsa: 0.38ms kernelrelease: 4.16ms kernelversion: 4.50ms boardproductname: 0.04ms hardwareisa: 2.04ms blockdevice_sr0_vendor: 0.11ms macaddress_lo: 6.09ms macaddress_lo: 6.76ms uptime: 0.08ms blockdevice_sr1_vendor: 0.13ms swapfree_mb: 1.17ms swapfree: 1.46ms zfs_version: 0.24ms zfs_version: 0.20ms type: 0.05ms network_lo: 12.34ms processor1: 0.02ms ipaddress6_eth0: 7.51ms ipaddress6_eth0: 6.03ms lsbdistrelease: 0.21ms lsbdistrelease: 0.15ms blockdevices: 0.06ms manufacturer: 0.02ms lsbdistid: 0.16ms lsbdistid: 0.17ms interfaces: 4.78ms zpool_version: 0.19ms zpool_version: 0.10ms ps: 0.02ms ipaddress: 4.23ms netmask: 9.15ms mtu_eth0: 6.52ms sshrsakey: 0.09ms uuid: 0.02ms is_virtual: 0.04ms swapsize: 0.04ms macaddress_eth1: 6.00ms sshfp_dsa: 1.37ms blockdevice_sda_model: 0.09ms bios_release_date: 0.02ms ipaddress_lo: 6.25ms timezone: 0.05ms kernelmajversion: 0.06ms boardserialnumber: 0.04ms blockdevice_sr0_model: 0.08ms uptime_days: 0.00ms netmask_lo: 6.11ms blockdevice_sr1_model: 0.08ms network_eth0: 12.07ms lsbdistcodename: 0.15ms lsbdistcodename: 0.11ms operatingsystemmajrelease: 0.04ms processorcount: 0.16ms lsbdistrelease: 0.15ms lsbdistrelease: 0.13ms lsbdistrelease: 0.69ms lsbdistrelease: 0.16ms lsbmajdistrelease: 1.39ms lsbdistrelease: 0.14ms lsbdistrelease: 0.05ms lsbdistrelease: 0.19ms lsbdistrelease: 0.14ms lsbmajdistrelease: 0.77ms macaddress_eth0: 7.75ms productname: 0.03ms ipaddress_eth1: 8.14ms sshfp_rsa: 0.96ms bios_vendor: 0.03ms blockdevice_sda_size: 0.10ms analytics-uri => analyticsapisegmentindexconsusmermaxnumberofmessages => 1 analyticsapisegmentindexconsusmervisibilitytimeout => 1 analyticsapisegmentindexconsusmerwaittimeseconds => 1 architecture => x86_64 augeasversion => 0.9.0 bios_release_date => 12/01/2006 bios_vendor => innotek GmbH bios_version => VirtualBox blockdevice_sda_model => VBOX HARDDISK blockdevice_sda_size => 214748364800 blockdevice_sda_vendor => ATA blockdevice_sr0_model => CD-ROM blockdevice_sr0_size => 1073741312 blockdevice_sr0_vendor => VBOX blockdevice_sr1_model => CD-ROM blockdevice_sr1_size => 1073741312 blockdevice_sr1_vendor => VBOX blockdevices => sda,sr0,sr1 boardmanufacturer => Oracle Corporation boardproductname => VirtualBox boardserialnumber => 0 cassandra_cluster => analytics cassandra_keyspace => PureCloud domain => environment => test facterversion => 1.7.3 filesystems => ext4,iso9660 fqdn => hardwareisa => x86_64 hardwaremodel => x86_64 hostname => fisheye-10-0-2-15 id => root interfaces => eth0,eth1,lo ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => ipaddress_eth1 => ipaddress_lo => is_virtual => true ivr-publish_sqs => edgeConfig kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 kernelrelease => 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 kernelversion => 2.6.32 macaddress => 08:00:27:60:FC:47 macaddress_eth0 => 08:00:27:60:FC:47 macaddress_eth1 => 08:00:27:E6:07:EC manufacturer => innotek GmbH memoryfree => 858.05 MB memoryfree_mb => 858.05 memorysize => 996.46 MB memorysize_mb => 996.46 memorytotal => 996.46 MB mtu_eth0 => 1500 mtu_eth1 => 1500 mtu_lo => 16436 netmask => netmask_eth0 => netmask_eth1 => netmask_lo => network_eth0 => network_eth1 => network_lo => operatingsystem => CentOS operatingsystemmajrelease => 6 operatingsystemrelease => 6.4 osfamily => RedHat path => /usr/java/default/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin physicalprocessorcount => 1 processor0 => Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3635QM CPU @ 2.40GHz processor1 => Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3635QM CPU @ 2.40GHz processorcount => 2 productname => VirtualBox ps => ps -ef puppetversion => 3.3.2 rubysitedir => /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 rubyversion => 1.8.7 schema-uri => selinux => false serialnumber => 0 swapfree => 2.50 GB swapfree_mb => 2559.99 swapsize => 2.50 GB swapsize_mb => 2559.99 timezone => UTC type => Other uniqueid => 007f0100 uptime => 0:24 hours uptime_days => 0 uptime_hours => 0 uptime_seconds => 1492 uuid => F35DAFA8-AF6E-4E2A-8B0B-A591B572DA5B virtual => virtualbox vxml-generate_sqs => generateVXML -- You received this message because you are 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