On Friday, June 21, 2013 9:49:01 AM UTC-5, bazil wrote:>
> Hi guys,
> just have faced with strage behavior
> have in manifest
> line 51
> node /us3-slave-1[01].mydomain.net/ {
> #blablabla
> }
> and
> line 159
> node ''us3-slave-101.mydomain.net'' {
> #foofoofoo
> }
> then i get
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
> Could not parse for environment production: Node ''
> us3-slave-101.mydomain.net'' is already defined at
> /etc/puppet/manifests/clusters/us3.pp:51; cannot redefine at
> /etc/puppet/manifests/clusters/us3.pp:159 on node
> us3-slave-11.mydomain.net
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> on any node.
> if regex in line 51 changed to
> node /us3-slave-(10|11).mydomain.net/ {
> #blablabla
> }
> or to
> node /us3-slave-1[10].mydomain.net/ {
> #blablabla
> }
> catalog is compiling successfully.
> puppet version 3.2.2,
> server runs with apache mod_passenger
> Should I post bug?
node /us3-slave-1[10].mydomain.net/ { ...
has different behavior from
node /us3-slave-1[01].mydomain.net/ { ...
when everything else is the same, then I would definitely consider it a
bug. If the latter collides with
node ''us3-slave-101.mydomain.net'' <http://mydomain.net/>
{ ...
then evidently the brackets in the pattern are being stripped or ignored
for comparison purposes. It may be worth mentioning that the regex node
also must not collide with
node ''us3-slave-1[01].mydomain.net''
<http://mydomain.net/> { ...
, which may be an acceptable name in some special environments, and which
in any case is not equivalent to the regex form.
Yes, I would file a ticket.
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