Hi, I am happy to announce that Geppetto 3.0.1 has been released and is available as an update from within Geppetto. If you do not already have Geppetto installed, start by downloading version 3.0.0 here https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto/downloads (The 3.0.1 release will also shortly be available via download). In release 3.0.1 ===============* Builds for Windows 64 bit are now available. * Formatting and save actions could lead to corrupt files if operation performed to quickly after last text modifying keystroke. * Formatting problems corrected. * Additional types of hidden files ignored when building a module. * Code completion of variables and quick fixes based on closest matching names. Works in string interpolation too. * A clean build is now performed when puppet nature is toggled. Earlier a manual build clean was required when importing projects. See https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto/wiki/Release-Notes for more detailed information about fixed issues. Please see http://cloudsmith.github.com/geppetto/faq.html for information if you run into problems updating. Checkout http://cloudsmith.github.com/geppetto/faq.html#2011/06/28/how-do-i-update if you don''t know how to update. Regards - henrik