Puppet users - Sep 2012

Sunday September 30 2012
8:02PM 6 err: Signing certificate error
9:37AM 22 in-module data with hiera
Saturday September 29 2012
8:42PM 3 sharing a storeconfigs db between masters (across versions)
3:44PM 0 Autoscaling Secure Signing Options
1:10PM 1 custom function, setvar and variable scoping
Friday September 28 2012
9:49PM 9 Announce: Puppet 3.0.0 Live
8:57PM 2 Puppetconf Feedback
8:38PM 7 Upgrade from 2.7 to 3.0, problem with "run_mode" in application.rb
7:53PM 2 nested modules and autoloading
6:26PM 8 puppet instllation error
4:36PM 8 Puppet/Passenger :: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:Error 403 on server
3:54PM 0 Reminder - Last day of PuppetConf + free streaming
3:02PM 1 Puppet module dependencies
3:01PM 2 How to create a directory if that path does not yet exist?
11:05AM 3 Server Roles
8:31AM 6 Massive Import/Include
3:22AM 5 Custom ruby gem continuously updates
Thursday September 27 2012
10:35PM 2 Puppetdashboard :: cannot add class
10:07PM 1 Puppetmaster with mongrel
7:59PM 3 Deploy nagios client on windows
6:55PM 0 File_line
6:11PM 0 PuppetConf backchannel: #puppetconf on Freenode
4:56PM 6 Could use another set of eyes to assist
4:16PM 3 Watch PuppetConf remotely
3:45PM 1 is it possible to save dashboard inventory searches
3:19PM 9 custom type in ruby - "invalid resource type at .../site.pp"
2:06PM 1 puppetlabs-java ?
2:03PM 0 Retrieve initial content of files when using audit => content
10:56AM 0 puppet-lint: class_inherits_from_params_class
Wednesday September 26 2012
11:03PM 0 Announce: Hiera 1.1.0-rc1 Available
9:16PM 0 Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.12-rc1 Available
8:34PM 0 Announce: Facter 1.6.13-rc1 Available
6:53PM 8 deleting virtual users
4:01PM 14 Glassfish custom provider and 'file does not exist'
3:52PM 6 Puppet 2.7, hiera 1.0 and hiera as an ENC
8:14AM 7 multiple puppet masters on multiple subnets
Tuesday September 25 2012
9:37PM 0 Announce: Puppet 3.0.0-rc8 Available
9:28PM 4 Puppet windows -
6:03PM 1 LDAP Account Manager supports Puppet
3:57PM 2 How to make a module reject invalid parameter
3:09PM 5 writing providers
1:17PM 4 hello world application
12:28PM 2 require class inside fact
11:03AM 4 Using Exported Resources in nginx loadbalancer conf
10:06AM 2 How to change node hostname?
9:05AM 5 problem with class include order
8:44AM 2 Where to place Custom Facts in Puppet module structure
12:22AM 4 MSI Package Provider and Install_options
Monday September 24 2012
11:05PM 1 Re: [pe-users] MySQL and PuppetDB
10:43PM 4 Iterate over array to mount NFS directories
6:03PM 7 augeas only add if doesn't exist
4:47PM 4 Overriding variables.
11:48AM 6 manifest setting in puppet.conf does not work
10:40AM 3 "varargs" usage in Parameterized Classes
9:39AM 2 Variable interpolation inside hiera data
4:55AM 4 puppetd --tags doesnt work for some module
12:39AM 0 Announcement: Geppetto 3.0 released
Sunday September 23 2012
11:10PM 2 "Could not find class drew" error message when trying to load module
12:38PM 2 Getting error : can not intern instances from application/x-raw
Saturday September 22 2012
7:14PM 1 variable usage in a string, scenario dependent?
12:40AM 10 require file/package not managed by puppet
12:11AM 4 Solaris Packages for Puppet 3.0.0-rc7, Facter 1.6.0 and Hiera 1.0.0
Friday September 21 2012
11:43PM 0 Solaris Packages for Puppet 3.0.0, Facter 1.6.0 and Hiera 1.0.0
11:01PM 5 Announce: Puppet 3.0.0-rc7 Available
11:35AM 2 Starting master fails
11:20AM 5 puppet --no-client ignore USR1
11:16AM 2 hiera() variables with the same name lookup in different modules
11:04AM 2 Wood/trees/hiera discrimination problem
10:23AM 0 Hiera and multiple roles per host
10:13AM 0 (again) configuration client already in progress
6:47AM 1 PuppetDB - HA
6:14AM 9 Installing puppet and using ruby from RVM.
3:11AM 1 duplicated public keys in authorized keys
2:48AM 0 rspec testing - what am I missing?
2:36AM 2 collect facter output of puppet client remotely from the puppetmaster
12:03AM 2 Announce: PuppetDB 1.0 Available
Thursday September 20 2012
3:49PM 8 puppet and std
2:37PM 0 Using puppet with desktop Windows
1:33PM 2 Puppet and disks
12:43PM 1 other manifest file in different environment
10:50AM 0 dashboard md5 diff
9:06AM 1 Service[ssh] not known - Debian
8:34AM 1 puppet-lint status error
7:57AM 0 checksum => mtime don't work discarding changes ({mtime} vs {mtime}
7:19AM 3 ssh keys - registering multiple keys onto a same remote account
Wednesday September 19 2012
10:30PM 0 Puppet Labs Package Repos and Telly
9:55PM 9 install vmware tools through puppet
9:28PM 2 Puppet testing
6:30PM 2 Hadoop format using puppet
6:13PM 0 Announce: Puppet Enterprise 2.6.0 Available
6:04PM 0 patch for puppet 2.7.18, pkg.rb to work in solaris 11
5:13PM 2 Machines not using local mirror
4:16PM 0 manifest class logic to update pkgs
3:31PM 1 Puppet on Windows 2003 Server > wrong IP via facter?
3:29PM 4 Puppet 2 vs Puppet 3
9:00AM 4 PuppetDB SSL error (while trying to reach the dashboard)
5:11AM 9 Staging environment
12:16AM 0 Dashboard -- difference between runtime graph and runtime chart?
Tuesday September 18 2012
9:02PM 2 dashboard using local time zone
8:26PM 0 PuppetConf is next week!
8:15PM 0 pip provider + pluginsync
6:58PM 3 Testing for dependency loops?
4:42PM 0 suscribe
2:44PM 3 Looping through a list of values - ENC
1:23PM 1 Setting environment variables
1:04PM 1 How can i get directory recursively?
9:47AM 2 Possible to install own deb packages on nodes?
Monday September 17 2012
7:58PM 0 puppet-dashboad fileviewer
7:43PM 0 Need to restart puppetmaster a lot
6:27PM 1 Need more information
6:05PM 5 Right approach to Windows installers
2:54PM 3 storeconfigs: are there any benefits giving a client access to the dabase?
2:51PM 2 inheritance failure: duplicate declaration error
1:51PM 3 Can puppet add repositories to nodes?
Sunday September 16 2012
6:21AM 31 Systems Provisioning
1:06AM 0 Strange Behavior In Recursive File Transfer
Saturday September 15 2012
10:30PM 1 puppet-dashboard on Ubuntu 12.04
7:32PM 4 How to install phppgadmin with puppet?
1:10PM 1 err: Could not request certificate: stack level too deep
3:13AM 1 Live session on Puppet + AWS through Google Hangout on Air
Friday September 14 2012
11:48PM 5 Arbitrary Code in plugin "lib/"
11:03PM 4 Help me name a class in the new puppetdb module!
6:31PM 12 Do you rely on 'param=>undef' being equal to '(nothing)'?
6:22PM 2 Changes to allowed function calls in Puppet 3.0
4:51PM 6 Node collecting its own exported resource
4:37PM 5 Complex custom type?
2:40PM 2 assistance needed - err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: execution expired
2:31PM 4 Run Stages for Particular Modules
2:12PM 4 Where puppet store the "source" files?
2:05PM 1 Puppet conventions
1:49PM 1 Automatic require in custom type?
11:14AM 2 AW: Issue with large directory content
9:43AM 5 Puppet ignoring ENC classes
9:25AM 6 Embedding Puppet / using it as a library / api
7:58AM 0 puppet master replica in different data center and subnet
6:23AM 1 Managing classes of machines
12:23AM 3 I am trying to copy over a authorized_key file over to all the servers using puppet but it doe snot see to work. can any one help?
Thursday September 13 2012
10:14PM 4 Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.11 Available
9:36PM 1 pe version of puppet, vmware provisioning with from template with guest customization
6:17PM 3 nodes including modules that are not assigned in the site.pp file
3:55PM 2 WG: AW: Issue with large directory content
9:46AM 4 puppet-lint
9:13AM 4 yumrepo and notify
7:31AM 6 Why agent report is so slow?
Wednesday September 12 2012
10:43PM 1 Skipped Resources 'running on a host' ?
7:43PM 2 How to recursively ship files while keeping their modes
2:40PM 2 Installing packages that require user input (e.g. NIS) ?
9:51AM 11 RHEL Kickstart and Puppet certificates
5:01AM 0 Common configs on solaris/linux
Tuesday September 11 2012
11:28PM 6 Where to execute script to add server to Zabbix monitoring system?
8:04PM 6 How can you copy directories from puppet master to the puppet client?
7:30PM 1 Virtual Resources and create_resources
6:16PM 6 Puppet agent as WSDL service
5:12PM 0 puppet dashboard ebuild
2:16PM 7 Issue with large directory content
2:00PM 10 How to set DNS on Ubuntu 12.04 clients?
1:25PM 0 Puppet module change management - best practices?
11:30AM 0 using puppet tags to exclude a class
9:00AM 2 puppet temp file issue
12:23AM 0 Announce: Facter 1.6.12 Available
Monday September 10 2012
10:57PM 1 Announce: Puppet 3.0.0-rc6 Available
8:17PM 5 Nagios purge deleted items and notify nagios service problem
7:34PM 3 Resource Chaining Classes
6:34PM 0 Announce: PuppetDB 0.11.0 Available
6:19PM 0 Appending to inherited arrays
5:22PM 3 How to remove last comma when iterating through hash in erb template
4:05PM 2 Dependency Cycles.
4:03PM 0 logging woes
2:01PM 0 vcsrepo module git exclude does not working
9:36AM 1 Any progress in change management?
9:30AM 5 push config to agent behind firewall
Sunday September 9 2012
5:46PM 2 Question: Custom puppet type for semanage, converting inputs to flags?
Saturday September 8 2012
3:59PM 2 Making a result of custom function available to multiple classes
Friday September 7 2012
10:32PM 5 How can I ensure that a service is started/stopped based on if it is needed or not ?
9:55PM 5 puppet hangs
9:00PM 7 passenger-install-apache2-module fails
5:32PM 0 Puppet Labs Monthly Newsletter - September
1:02PM 1 Mixing up classes?
12:27PM 3 Puppet Nagios group problem
4:40AM 1 Set http_proxy environment variable for package install?
1:02AM 1 [Job Listing]: Infrastructure Systems Engineer - San Franscisco
Thursday September 6 2012
6:03PM 2 PuppetDB Replication
2:56PM 1 puppetlabs-nginx: manifest change does not always result in config change
1:36PM 2 Trying to add Domain user to a Local group issue
1:27PM 1 Puppet master cert names
11:26AM 1 puppet bug in File selector ?
8:15AM 2 puppetlsabs/puppet-mysql error: access denied for user root
6:48AM 1 openstack:all with just 1 network interface.
Wednesday September 5 2012
9:10PM 0 Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.11-rc1 Available
9:04PM 5 Puppet smoking crack?
7:30PM 7 QUERY : no resources for remote admin?
6:19PM 8 Override param from parametrized class?
6:07PM 4 Custom type obligatory field?
4:33PM 1 Nagios and www-data users.
3:33PM 2 Is there a puppet module for tomcat and apache
3:13PM 1 Starting service as non root user with puppet
2:05PM 6 create_resources function returns error "can't convert Array into Hash"
1:44PM 2 adding users on remote mysql
10:09AM 6 Weird variable dependency issue + different behavior between master/masterless
9:18AM 0 Duplicate Class declaration error
8:47AM 7 notify vs. require of services
12:01AM 4 How to automatically implement default configuration changes made by a package upgrade
Tuesday September 4 2012
8:26PM 1 Does certification make sense for non-PE users?
4:39PM 0 Display partitions with facter and the inventory database
3:26PM 9 Module critique
2:38PM 1 Enterprise puppet and VMware VM deployment
9:32AM 1 wollviech / puppet-drbd module
7:44AM 1 Get a list of (some) resources name
Monday September 3 2012
3:21PM 5 Problem with hiera arrays not obeying the hierachy
12:26PM 5 Package install from a URL
9:29AM 2 Class for transfering files from Server to Client
7:45AM 3 Puppet runs extremly slow on 1 of 18 Windows Server
3:31AM 2 erb syntaxes
Saturday September 1 2012
11:28PM 1 puppet and launchd provider and "ensure => running" not working
12:32AM 2 Announce: Facter 1.6.12-rc2 Available