On Monday, October 8, 2012 12:26:41 PM UTC-5, Douglas
> I can''t work this out and I''m getting frustrated. :(
> Puppet is complaining:
> err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency
> Lvm::Volume_group[bcvg] for Lvm::Application_volume[cache] at
> /truth/sauce/env/prod/modules/object_store/manifests/server.pp:47
> Yet, if I comment out that line so that puppet runs ok, and then look
> at the state.yml file on the client, I see:
> "Lvm::Volume_group[bcvg]":
> !ruby/sym checked: 2012-10-08 17:05:45.117364 +00:00
> Now, according to the puppet docs at
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/2.7/reference/lang_scope.html,
> resource titles are all global.
> So.... what gives? By definition, this should not be occurring.
Resource titles are global *once the associated resource declaration is
parsed*. It is up to you to ensure that declarations are parsed in an
order that works. That''s not a big deal within one class, but it is
potentially an issue when classes reference each others'' declarations.
Far and away the best means I know to reliably get a suitable parse order
is for each class and definition to ''include'' any other
classes whose
resources or variables it references. That is incompatible with
parametrized-style declarations of those same classes anywhere else in your
manifests, however, which is the biggest reason that I have no use for
parametrized classes. In Puppet 3 you can of course rely entirely on the
new hiera binding for class parameters, and thereby use only
''include''-style class declarations, but if you are committed
to doing that
then why parametrize your classes in the first place?
If you are stuck with parametrized classes then your only alternative is to
be very careful and deliberate about where and in what order you declare
each class. Minimizing or centralizing interclass and especially
intermodule dependencies will make that easier.
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