You have to enable the REST api on clients if you want to talk to them
that way (as it''s disabled by default) but this will probably get you
where you need to go. Failing that you could use something like
mcollective and make a mini-REST api to push requests to it. That
would make it easy to request mcollective go find the machine in
question and instruct it to check-in.
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Mike Carr <>
wrote:> We are building a system that has a front end for a user to request a host,
> the use can select what they want on the host. Our application will
> build/apply the correct profiles, we would then like to trigger the agent
> check-in. Our app is current written in Groovy so a REST API would be
> Is this possible?
> The server app will most likely not sit on the same sever as Puppet.
> --
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