Ugh, this was selinux if anyone else runs into the same problem. Creating
a module with audit2allow fixed it.
On Monday, March 19, 2012 3:15:06 PM UTC-4, Mark Leary
> I''m trying to setup dashboard as a node classifier w/puppet
> Not sure why this is not working...
> In puppet.conf on the master I have:
> node_terminus = exec
> external_nodes = /usr/bin/env PUPPET_DASHBOARD_URL=http://
> localhost /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node
> The agent''s return:
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> SERVER: Could not find node ''myhost''; cannot compile
> I can run the external node script as the puppet user just fine:
> sudo -u puppet /usr/bin/env
> share/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node myhost
> ---
> classes:
> - snmp
> parameters: {}
> name: myhost
> Even in debug mode, the puppet-master log returns nothing other than
> "Could not find node". By looking at the http log for dashboard,
> can see that puppet-master is not even attempting to connect.
> What am I missing?
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