Hi, I am happy to announce that Geppetto 2.1.1 has been released and is available as an update from within Geppetto. Download here: https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto/downloads Geppetto 2.1.1 - R201111161629 In this release * Increased support for "magic" variables ($module_name, $0-$n). Issues Fixed * Promotes puppet ''new'' wizards to the top of the new menu. #193. * Adds validation of magic regular expression result vars $0-$n. #226. * Fixes exceptions validating empty class references. #228. * Makes metadata.json marked as derived whenever it is written. #225. * Validates references to uninitialized variables. #227. * Fixes confusion over "." in names. * Adds "module_name" as meta variable in pptp. #231. * Fixes NPE during build. #232. * Improves interpolation. #234, #233. Regards - henrik