hi, I have: define users::account($realname='''', $pwd='''', $uid='''', $othergroups, $gid, $key, $keytype, $name='''', $ensure=present, shell=''/bin / bash'') { <snip> 19 # have to find a way to get rid of group if last member is being removed 20 # have to find out how to get an array in here. 21 if ! ($othergroups == '''') { 22 group { $othergroups: 23 ensure => present; 24 } 25 } <snip> 31 user { $name: 32 ensure => $ensure, 33 uid => $uid, 34 gid => $group, 35 password => $pwd, 36 comment => "$realname", 37 groups => "$othergroups", 38 shell => "$shell", 39 home => $home, 40 require => Group["$group"], 41 managehome => true; 42 } and later : class users::userlist { 96 @users::account { 97 "dork": 98 name => "dork", 99 realname => "dorkidork", 100 pwd => ''<encr pwd>'', 101 uid => 9000, 102 gid => 9000, 103 othergroups => "[''blaat'',''dorks'']", last: class users::realize inherits users::userlist { 120 # have to find out how to get <| $othergroups == ''blaat'' |> in here 121 realize(Users::Account[ "dork" ]) 122 } but I can''t find a way to send my array of groups from class user::userlist (i use realize later) to this function above. when i quote the parrams slightly different a group "blaatdorks" is being created and that has a member dork. (so it almost worked) but when running this as pasted above puppet agent tells me: err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter groups failed: Group names must be provided as an array, not a comma- separated list at /etc/puppet/modules/users/manifests/init.pp:42 please help me out. i''ve got some comments in there about other issues i have, feel free to help me woth those as well ;-) thanks in advance for any help! regards, Alex -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppet-users+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users?hl=en.