On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Robin Lee Powell <
rlpowell@digitalkingdom.org> wrote:
> A discussion on IRC about having classes that depend on each other
> sometimes (i.e. a munin class that needs to do mysql-specific things
> on those hosts where mysql is installed) reminded me of a feature
> I''ve wanted for some time in puppet, that I don''t think I
> actually shared/asked about:
> I''ve been wanting something like require => that only kicksoff
> the required thing is actually defined. So you could do:
> file { "munin.d/mysql-config":
> require_if_exists => Package[mysql]
> }
you could achieve the same things like this:
file { "munin.d/mysql-config":
Package<| title == ''mysql'' |> {
before => File[''munin.d/mysql-config'']
> and if Package[mysql] isn''t set up anywhere, nothing happens.
> Does this seem reasonable to people? If so, where should I put it
> in as a feature request?
> -Robin
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