Since upgrading our puppetmaster to 0.25.1, we''ve noticed a behavior
change which is causing us some problems, and I''m not sure if it is
expected behavior. We have the following resource definition (inside
of a define):
file {
owner => mysql,
group => mysql,
mode => 2660,
recurse => true,
ensure => directory,
backup => false,
require => File["/var/lib/mysql"];
What we''re noticing is that our puppet runs are now taking a very long
time and consuming most of the I/O and CPU resources on the machine.
Running puppetd -t under strace reveals that puppet reads the contents
of all the files under this directory (even though we aren''t managing
file contents). My immediate thought was that adding checksum => mtime
to the resource definition would solve the problem, but doing so does
not seem to change the behavior.
It smells like a bug to me; intuitively if we aren''t managing the file
contents in any way, puppet should not bother calculating checksums of
the contents. Even if that isn''t true, specifying checksum => mtime
seems to be the right approach to suppressing calculation of checksums
of the file contents.
For the time being we''re working around this by using an exec resource
and chmod, but this is non-ideal. Is this a bug? If so can someone
help me understand this subsection of the puppet internals so I can
contribute a patch?
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