Facter 1.5.6 is available. This is a minor maintenance release that has resulted from to a Gem spec packaging bug and a small fix to the virtual fact. The next release will be 1.6.0 and include a variety of substantial changes to Facter. You can get the new release at: http://reductivelabs.com/downloads/facter/facter-1.5.6.tar.gz or the Gem at: http://reductivelabs.com/downloads/gems/facter-1.5.6.gem These are also available on the Redmine site and via Rubyforge. Please log any bugs to Redmine (http://projects.reductivelabs.com) The full CHANGELOG is here (or http://projects.reductivelabs.com/projects/facter/changelog#1.5.6): 1.5.6: Bug #2303: Add executable facter in spec Bug #2307: undefined local variable or method `zone'' Regards James Turnbull -- Author of: * Pro Linux Systems Administration (http://tinyurl.com/linuxadmin) * Pulling Strings with Puppet (http://tinyurl.com/pupbook) * Pro Nagios 2.0 (http://tinyurl.com/pronagios) * Hardening Linux (http://tinyurl.com/hardeninglinux)