Puppet users - Jul 2009

Friday July 31 2009
9:05PM 2 Planet Puppet is born!
4:07PM 6 Augeas and grub.conf
Thursday July 30 2009
11:44PM 2 Type Resource enable / disable
4:51PM 7 arrays, loops, etc
2:23PM 0 Puppet, selinux and semanage
8:53AM 1 xenserver and puppet ?
Wednesday July 29 2009
9:13PM 5 Performance issues
3:44AM 4 Yum issues
Tuesday July 28 2009
10:10PM 1 Moving puppetmaster
4:43PM 3 Rails is missing; cannot store configurations - Puppet 0.24.8 / Rails 2.3.2 / Gentoo
1:53PM 1 Cry for Augeas grub.conf help!
1:37PM 2 template flapping / classes lost?
1:31PM 0 automatically choose between a private file and a template file
1:16PM 2 sequential change implementation
12:50PM 6 storeconfigs storms?
12:25PM 1 puppet vs cron vs x86_64
11:58AM 0 [Infrastructure Design] Questions about Puppet behind SSL reverse proxy
9:15AM 0 correlation between metrics and events
Monday July 27 2009
10:51PM 0 Reporting and documenting in Modules/Classes
10:03PM 0 private fileserver config
8:45PM 19 File resource type: critical chmod security issue
8:30PM 4 Custom fact errors
5:02PM 1 Reference Type: Cron
Sunday July 26 2009
11:19AM 2 The Dependency Graph
Saturday July 25 2009
1:09AM 3 Array input of dirs, ensuring their existence
Friday July 24 2009
8:17PM 6 template command
7:47PM 7 Notifying a service when exported resources go away
3:26PM 2 command to list intra-class references?
3:33AM 2 Solaris SMF services and their dependencies...
3:07AM 5 passenger vs mongrel performance
1:19AM 2 Tidy symlinks
Thursday July 23 2009
9:37PM 2 class dependencies
8:18PM 2 Adding users to multiple groups
5:58PM 4 Source Arrays and Template Arrays
4:50PM 10 uninstall package on ubuntu
10:52AM 0 user provider on FreeBSD and manages_passwords, again.
7:13AM 39 Best Practices Rewrite - First Draft
Wednesday July 22 2009
9:00PM 1 puppet class syntax error
5:16PM 0 service{} hooks on FreeBSD
4:05PM 4 passenger for Hardy
3:55PM 2 Newbie provider development: Failed to retrieve current state of resource
3:35PM 14 cron, package and provider
Tuesday July 21 2009
6:38PM 2 Toward a simple Nginx configuration for Puppet Mongrel
5:00PM 1 multi-case selectors
3:04PM 0 new puppet config - fileserver issue
9:07AM 3 patching config files
Monday July 20 2009
8:41PM 2 optional file{ ensure => file}
5:27PM 5 Default Mac OS X package provider?
Saturday July 18 2009
7:49PM 0 Øresund puppet users
1:58AM 15 large file download, timeout?
Friday July 17 2009
8:06PM 8 Change Management Practices.
1:08PM 16 Resource ordering
Thursday July 16 2009
9:48PM 4 Custom type fails when requiring another plugin
7:29PM 1 other node dependencies
7:06PM 2 In the catalog, /Settings[*] is what?
4:08PM 2 cert sign process after mongrel
4:07PM 5 Info - crash on RHEL4 w/o swap space
3:38PM 0 Puppet users group in Minneapolis?
3:08PM 1 testing filebuckets in 0.25
9:27AM 6 trouble with passenger and 0.25.0beta2
7:37AM 3 Puppet + Mongrel on Ubuntu Hardy
5:41AM 4 simple failure on service{ensure=>false}
Wednesday July 15 2009
7:51PM 12 puppet recipes
5:03PM 2 Puppet User Group July 29th NYC 7p
5:00PM 1 Puppet meet Uup July 29th NYC 7p
12:58PM 2 executing some code with subscribe/notify/unless
9:05AM 1 crontab and mailto
8:24AM 5 will resource noop always override puppetd
Tuesday July 14 2009
4:40PM 2 how to add apt repository with puppet
7:23AM 6 Puppet Updates: Puppet Camp and random bits
Monday July 13 2009
9:13PM 7 puppetd no-daemonize
2:57PM 8 custom definitions require and +>
2:39PM 3 exec inside a function bombs and kills the puppetmaster
Saturday July 11 2009
12:04AM 0 Resource / provider protocol for resource creation
Friday July 10 2009
11:31PM 6 Vexed by puppet.conf
8:15PM 4 Provider "API": delete vs. destroy
6:00PM 3 Tracking down ensure => running problem
1:49PM 2 using noops from puppetrun
12:33PM 0 certificates for puppetrun
6:54AM 6 Best practices for building a file from distributed data.
12:37AM 0 Are tags inherited through nodes or what is a good way to tag lots of nodes at once?
Thursday July 9 2009
4:41PM 7 puppet variables
3:23PM 2 Help! Templates, definitions, and arrays, oh my!
12:02AM 0 fact in cert name?
Wednesday July 8 2009
10:46PM 1 Recursively templating files in a directory
9:31AM 0 parsing config from within external node scripts
9:31AM 2 Problems with service visibility when use notify
Tuesday July 7 2009
7:46PM 0 Ensuring NFS clients are suid
7:20PM 1 Installing debian-backports-keyring
6:24PM 4 Ensure that nfs mounts are nosuid
6:00PM 2 debian/ubuntu ruby path problem with facter 1.5.6-2
1:02PM 1 An idea for automatic koha installation
12:11PM 4 client facter values 0.23.2
Monday July 6 2009
11:46PM 9 Managing upgrading of puppet recipes
11:28PM 4 pluginsync syncing all custom facts in every module
8:35PM 0 problem signing certs ...
6:44PM 2 Dangerous Virus
8:37AM 1 Multiple puppetmasters under one cert
Saturday July 4 2009
7:05PM 2 ip alias class?
Thursday July 2 2009
9:03PM 9 Influencing a class from another one?
2:32PM 5 SVN pre-commit hook known error
11:35AM 2 are variables defined?
9:16AM 0 running puppet using nginx+passenger
8:08AM 3 Extending the storeconfigs database
7:04AM 5 cronjob every 15 minutes
5:50AM 7 Generating a file from a set of fragments on the puppetmaster
Wednesday July 1 2009
8:14PM 1 nfs and autofs modules online.
5:47PM 5 Puppet Implementation
5:35PM 2 Login to puppet on IRC
4:30PM 1 Multiple default providers for service: init, base; using init
3:42PM 2 Manage Directory/Purge Contents technique not working?
2:15PM 0 Stored configs, external node classifier, classes/modules not going away
1:50PM 1 firewall ports to be opened in between client and master?
12:36PM 10 Forcing puppetd ask puppemasterd for new changes
10:02AM 1 divide puppet structure
4:21AM 1 Facter infinite looping on custom facts
2:14AM 6 HTTP as a source for files