Hello, we are quite happily using puppet but our setup needs a bit of cleanup. Forgive me minor errors I''m writing this from scratch now: The following layout: --- File site.pp: import "groups/*" import "users/*" node default{ # I''d like to avoid the following line to be uncommented # include "group_users" include "user_james" } --- File groups/sshallowed_users.pp: class sshallowed_users{ "sshallowed_users": name => "sshallowed", ensure => present } class group_users{ "group_users": name => "users", gid => 1000, ensure => present } --- File users/user_james.pp: class user_james{ "user_james": name => "james", gid => "james", # This could fail if not all groups are already present # for which I''d need require - correct? groups => ["sshallowed", "users"] # Now this obviously fails require => [Group["sshallowed_users"], Group["users"] ], ensure => present } in users/user_james.pp I''d like to specify that a) james is in the groups "sshallowed" and "users" b) then of course require those groups to be present at the time of creating james. I could include the group classes in the node but that seems not the way to go. How do you typically layout such things. Looking at the best practices I can''t quite figure out how to do that. Generally how can I require something that i need to import like>>import "../groups/*"<< (am I still making sense?). I think I''m onthe totally wrong track right now as this throws an import loop at me... thanks martin -- http://noneisyours.marcher.name http://feeds.feedburner.com/NoneIsYours