similar to: Understanding ResourcesAndRelationships

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Understanding ResourcesAndRelationships"

2008 Oct 26
Fwd: Decision Stats
Dear Lists, Here are my latest posts on retrenching and locating facilities better. Do you have anything in academic papers that use data mining- analytics for 1) Better Employee ROI quantitative measurement or cutting costs rationally based on data rather across the board. 2) Locating facilities based on pure quant based approaches than local supply demand conditions. Specific application for
2005 Dec 14
how to get these records in has_and_belongs_to_many relation
hey, i my database i have users and groups, each user can get in different groups my db structure: table groups: id, name, basegroup, firm_id table users: id, firstname, lastname, email table groups_users: group_id, users_id my relation is a many to many: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many
2006 Mar 11
feedburner api xml
I''m trying to query feedburner''s api (as according to their documentation). I''m using ''net/http'' as outlined here: @feed_stats = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("" + @feed_uri)) The query returns this xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rsp
2006 May 10
Rails Plugin Directory - Comments
The directory of Rails plugins at plugins/ now has support for adding comments to plugins, so stop by and leave a kind word about your favorite plugin. :) A feed for plugin comments is available at http://, while the plugin feed itself is available at --
2011 Apr 06
Treatment of xml-stylesheet processing instructions in XML module
Hello again, Another stumble here that is defeating me. I try: a<-readLines(url("")) t<-XML::xmlTreeParse(a, ignoreBlanks=TRUE, replaceEntities=FALSE, asText=TRUE) elem<- XML::getNodeSet(XML::xmlRoot(t),"/rss/channel/item")[[1]] And I get: Start tag expected, '<' not found Error: 1: Start tag expected, '<' not
2006 Aug 18
Ruby on Rails CMS Breakdown - Do they all stink?
I put an article up on my Ruby on Rails blog that breaks down all of the known (that I''m aware of) CMS into feature lists and explains the current development situation as I see of it CMS w/ Rails. The blog url: Article specific url: FeedBurner:
2002 Jun 28
NT permissions on Solaris
Hello, I try to use NT permissions on 2 Sun Solaris with ACL and samba 2.2.5. I configure samba --with-acl. I can modify permissions on the PDC (security = USER). But on the other one (XYZ) (security = SERVER and password server = PDC) i get on error message when i click on the ADD button (property of a file/Security) "The selector of object cannot be open because it cannot determine if XYZ
2007 Apr 13
Upgrade from Centos 4.4 to Centos 5
Hi, Is there a yum way to upgrade from CentOS 4.4 to CentOS 5? Or I just need to download the installation CDs and upgrade using them, as I did many times with Fedora. best regards, -- Guillermo Garron "Linux IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are." (Using FC6, CentOS4.4 and Ubuntu 6.06)
2006 Aug 10
IMPORTANT: Rails update 1.1.6
for those who didn''t read it somewhere else: the bug being adresseb by 1.1.5was not completely fixed, so now theres another security update: anybody using engines, dont update since this update will break the plugin, more info for fixing the bug in this case also in the blog. -- Michael
2006 Mar 13
Pagination & Feedtools
Is it possible to paginate rss feeds with FeedTools. The following code generates an error about constants. latest_feeds ='''') @news_pages, @pages = paginate :latest_feeds, :per_page => 5 -- Posted via
2009 Jan 02
zfs support in ubuntu linux... Any comments? -- This message posted from
2024 Mar 27
Je ne parviens pas à faire communiquer mon UPS avec HomeAssistant
Bonjour ? tous, Je n'arrive pas a faire marcher NUT avec HomeAssistant. Cela fait des mois que je suis la-dessus, mais sans succ?s ! Je ne vois plus quoi faire ! Help ! * Ubuntu 23.10 * NUT version = 2.7.4-14ubuntu2 * NUT installation method: Package * exact device name and related information : Riello IDG800 Voici les commandes que je tape sur le PC connect?
2006 Jul 22
RSS XML Generation Problem
I''m getting an interesting problem. I''d trying to generate an RSS document and then real it from outside of my app. Here''s what the view looks like. xml.instruct! :xml, :version=>"1.0" xml.rss(:version=>"2.0"){{ xml.title("mytitle")"")
2009 May 15
Mediant 1000 audiocodes and Trixbox
Hi, This is my first experience with a mediant 1000 and an Asterisk Trixbox. the mediant has 12 FXOs and 12 FXSs, and I want to use it them all. I will have extensions connected to the FXS ports, and lines to the FXO. Can anyone guide me, please? regards, -- Guillermo Garron "Linux IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are." (Using Ubuntu, Debian,
2008 Oct 22
a question about linux/asterisk/commands
hi; I'm curious, is there a way, after i set up an admin ivr one needs a password to enter, to make for say option 7 for say give me current bandwith usage information? Let me tell you what i do now and you could give me your ideas. First of all i have a user, mbabcock that i ssh with, I'm using the latest of freepbx and right now how i get the status for me is typing vnstat and
2007 Aug 04
quintum AFT200 connection to Asterisk
Hi, I have an asterisk and a quintum AFT200 with two FXO ports, and want to use it as a gateway to handle outgoing and incoming calls. I have found this thread, But I think I need a little more help, could anyone knows where I can find the basic configuration for this quintum to get it connected to Asterisk using SIP, no
2008 Nov 05
a callerid question
hi; i have a customer who uses freepbx. He likes the ability to request a caller's name and then pass that threw to the extension, call screening, however one thing he wants to get is the ability to just pass the callerid to the extension, verbally red out to him. Can this be done? He's using latest build of freepbx, and i am as well. I'll do testing on it before deploying to
2008 Nov 14
Virtual Question
hi; I am attempting to find a way to install pbxinaflash into hypervm, so to find a templet for hypervm with pbxinaflash. Do you guys know of any i can get or can someone design one for me so i can install that templet in a hypervm virtual machine? I can't appear to figure out where i need to go to do this. please help if you can. Michael Michael Babcock, owner of
2008 Apr 18
Friday @12Noon EDT: VoIP Users Conference on the Internet
Hi, I'm not sure at this point who will be with us, but there's always something to talk about on the conference, Fridays at 12 Noon Eastern Time, 9 AM Pacific, 4PM GMT. I have invited Garrett Smith whose blog you should consider following. PSTN: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 22622 SIP: exten => 1234, 1,Dial(SIP/123 at, 60, D(22622# ${MY_PIN} #) ) If you have no PIN use 1#
2008 Jul 26
Mongrel on Ruby 1.8.6 w/ patchlevel 279 (Win)
Hi, I can''t install Mongrel on Ruby 1.8.6 (patchlevel 279), using Windows XP. My environment: C:\ruby18>gem environment RubyGems Environment: - RUBYGEMS VERSION: 1.2.0 - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2008-07-17 patchlevel 279) [i386-mingw32] - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: c:/ruby18/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 - RUBY EXECUTABLE: c:/ruby18/bin/ruby.exe - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: c:/ruby18/bin -