First off, new to puppet here, but so far it''s been exceptionally easy to install and get running. I''ve got it on a handful of solaris 10/x86 zones, and it''s working well. I had one gotcha that I ran into, which turned out to be a combination of a sun bug and and just some slight weirdness. I was trying to get the stock solaris snmpd service running (net-snmp 5, by this point, actually, so it''s not too bizarre). This one''s a slightly strange service, since the human name (snmpd) isn''t anything like the init.d name (init.sma). init.sma does have status and restart options, and Luke suggested the following service definition: service { snmpd: name => "init.sma", ensure => running, provider => init, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, } This, in fact works perfectly, modulo a bug in the init.sma script: the status command exits 0 regardless of whether snmpd is running or not. Modifying the script to exit 1 if snmpd isn''t running suffices to make puppet start the service. Thanks again to Luke. --rowan