Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Solaris snmpd/init.sma service"
2012 Apr 25
Exec and snmpd restart question
Hello Pros and users of Puppet.
I have two problems with the following modul setup:
My first problem that i tried every combination of
require,notify,subscribe for the mail sending exec but it runs every
single time when i run the module no matter if the files changed or
Second problem that puppet reports that snmpd was refreshed by two
resource and restarted but actually it doesnt happen.
2008 Dec 24
Conditionals allowed within types?
I''m trying to do this:
service { monit:
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
if ($operatingsystem == ''centos'') {
hasstatus => true,
require => Package[''monit''],
subscribe => File[''monit.conf''],
And it doesn''t work in
2011 Nov 30
sma installation error
I tried different versions of sma**.tar.gz file either with "R CMD INSTALL -l packagepath sma**.tar.gz", "R INSTALL -l path sma**.tar.gz" and under R windows by "install.packages("sma_0.5.15.tar.gz",repos=NULL)"
I got same error
* installing *source* package 'sma' ...
** Creating default NAMESPACE file
Warning in .write_description(db,
2013 Nov 22
init script status checks and puppet
I''ve been experiencing some odd behavior with puppet and checking the
status of running processes. Let me see if I can explain it:
I have a very simple node.js socket server I''m attempting to puppetize. It
is managed through an init.d script with start, stop, status, and restart.
The init.d script runs perfectly fine as any other user in the system.
However, when puppet
2007 Jun 15
sma package, and MouseArray data set
Hi all
I have just downloaded the sma package from CRAN.
On installing on my linux machine, I get the message
> library(sma)
> data(MouseArray)
Warning message:
file 'MouseArray.RData' has magic number 'RDX1'
Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated
Hereafter, MouseArray is not found:
> MouseArray
Error: object "MouseArray" not found
We were
2009 Nov 04
Using before=> in a definition...
I hope I haven''t dug myself into a corner here... How can I make sure
that /some/file.xml is created BEFORE the jboss-tfel0 service is
I can''t use before => in the file{} in the jboss class because it
doesn''t exist there.
define create_jboss_inst($inst, $version, $naming_port) {
service {
2011 Jan 30
SMA and EMA in package TTR
Just wondering for the SMA and EMA in package TTR, is it possible to me to
code it so that, say if I need to calculate SMA (x, n=100), when the sample
size is less than 100, it will give me the SMA (x, k) where k is the sample
size of the data? Right now it only gives me an invalid n error.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jul 05
Installing NUT on Solaris
On 7/1/2013 8:27 PM, Bernd Markgraf wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 15:42 -0800, John Thurston wrote:
>> On 7/1/2013 2:55 PM, Charles Lepple wrote:
>>> On Jul 1, 2013, at 12:47 PM, John Thurston wrote:
>>>> I'm running Solaris 10 on a dozen SPARC boxes. I'd like to explore NUT for use with our snmp UPS, but I'm unable to complete the
2007 May 20
snmpd log messages
I updated to CentOS 4.5 yesterday and now I am finding the snmpd daemon
is logging reams and reams of these messages:
May 20 10:40:03 mx01 snmpd[2572]: Connection from -
May 20 10:40:03 mx01 snmpd[2572]: transport socket = 12
Is there a way to turn off this useless logging? I am getting these
every 5 minutes (every time MRTG updates my MailScanner statistics).
So far what I tried
2011 Nov 02
Class Including.
Ok, what am I doing wrong here? I''m including
splunkforwarder::app_server and it''s all working except that it
appears that splunkforwarder::common isn''t including
class splunkforwarder::enabled {
service {
ensure => running,
enable => true,
2015 Oct 19
snmpd exec issue
Hello guys , I was trying to get a command output from my Centos 6
server using the snmpd "exec" section.
The line added to snmpd.conf id:
exec get_whitelist /bin/cat /home/snmp_user/whitelist.txt
Afer trying to get the resut performing the snmpwalk client form another
server I always got "permission denied"
After reading some forums I founded that disabling selinux It
2008 Apr 10
snmpd wont start on CentOS 4.4?
Hello All,
Ive searched the arqchives, but didnt find anything like this.. Maybe im
missing some trick here...
The problem:
I've instaled snmpd and snmp-utils packages with yum.
Im using and old simple .conf file, i've been using on my fedora 1 box,
but when I try to start snmpd, it just says OK, (Starting
snmpd..........[OK]), but the service dont work at all. I dont see any
2009 Feb 20
how do I set the listening IP on snmpd?
Does anyone know if it''s possible to set a listening IP on snmpd?
On a CentOS 5.2 domU, it listens on (effectively every IP on
the machine),
root@vps:[/]$ netstat -an | grep 161
udp 0 0*
Yet, on a Debian 4.0 domU, it listens on
sh-2.05b# netstat -an |grep 161
udp 0 0
2010 May 21
SSH service not getting restarted
I have this in my sshdconfig module''s init.pp but the service is not
getting restarted even though at first connect the file sshd_config is
getting modified with the Banner entry. Can someone please help?
class sshdconfig {
file {
path => "/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
owner => root,
2012 Sep 04
Producing a SMA signal when closing price is above the moving average for 3 days
I have loaded price data for GE and then calculated a 50 day simple moving
average. Then I have a created a ifelse statement that produce a 1 when
GE's closing price is above the simple moving average and a 0 when GE
Closing price is below the 50 day simple moving average.
However, what I really want to do is to produce a 1 for when the price is
above the simple moving average for 3 days
2003 Dec 15
ast-ax-snmpd release 0.3
Hi to all,
today I have released the version 0.3 of ast-ax-snmpd.
It is some code that adds the snmp subagent functionality to asterisk,
using the ucd snmp framework and following the agentX standard.
It has tested under debian woody, with specific version of ucd_snmp,
so your mileage may vary.
I am evaluating to transfer this effort under a more recent net-snmp
this could permit
2012 Feb 12
Using templates
Hi everyone,
I''m learning Puppet and I want to configure ssh server with different
port on different nodes.
Puppet v2.7.1
I have created module ssh:
content of modules/ssh/manifests/install.pp
class ssh::install {
package { "ssh":
ensure => present,
content of modules/ssh/manifests/service.pp
class ssh::service {
service { "ssh":
ensure =>
2012 Dec 01
Could not find dependency File[/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf]
I am new to puppet and have installed PE 2.7 and the snmp class from
here: https://github.com/paulgear/puppet/blob/master/modules/snmp/manifests/init.pp
So far, I have got through a few errors but cannot figure out what is still
I get an error from the puppet agent:
Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency
File[/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf] for Service[snmpd] at
2003 Apr 17
in the sma library, I m trying to use stat.t2 but I
don t know what the parameter cl actually means!!
2011 Oct 13
puppet apache module
I''m getting this and it isn''t applying my apache module. Is it because
of these warnings?
notice: Starting Puppet client version 2.7.5
provider/service/freebsd.rb:8: warning: class variable access from