Pkg xen devel - Aug 2006

Wednesday August 30 2006
3:58PM 0 xen-linux-system-2.6.17-2-xen-amd64 is broken?
3:38PM 3 pkg-xen team dead?
1:00PM 1 Bug#385308: Please provide way to run xend in the foreground, without daemonizing
12:53AM 0 Bug#384739: Just hit that too
Sunday August 27 2006
6:33PM 0 xen-unstable_3.0-unstable+hg11218-1_amd64.changes is NEW
6:23PM 0 Processing of xen-unstable_3.0-unstable+hg11218-1_amd64.changes
Saturday August 26 2006
12:34PM 3 Bug#384739: ImportError: No module named xen.xend.server
12:54AM 0 Processed: Re: Bug#384638: Dom0 dows not boot with kernel package linux-image-2.6.16-2-xen-686 version 2.6.16-18
Friday August 18 2006
9:31PM 0 Great work.
9:13PM 4 xen reorganization
Tuesday August 15 2006
9:27PM 0 xen-3.0_3.0.2+hg9697-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
7:35PM 0 Processing of xen-3.0_3.0.2+hg9697-2_amd64.changes
5:02PM 0 Processed: reassign 382974 to xen-3.0, severity of 380990 is serious, merging 380990 382974
5:01PM 0 Processed: tagging 380990
Monday August 14 2006
3:05PM 0 Processed: Severity fix
3:02PM 0 Bug#382974: Upgrade to important?
1:07PM 1 Bug#382974: xen-utils-3.0: needs python (< 2.4) but 2.4.3-10 will be installed (unstable)
Saturday August 12 2006
9:36AM 0 Processed: Re: Bug#381481: aptitude: FTBFS: test failure
Thursday August 10 2006
4:26AM 1 xen backports, sarge dom0 problem
Friday August 4 2006
4:40AM 0 Vacation & Status
Tuesday August 1 2006
10:57AM 1 Bug#380990: Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !