On 4/04/2009, at 4:18 PM, "J.A. Neitzel" <gsocsftp at
v6shell.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Please pardon me if this is off topic, but I thought I ought to
> introduce myself.
> I submitted an application (aka student proposal) to OpenSSH via
> GSoC on Thursday (2009-04-02 19:39:21Z). Of course, I cannot know
> if it will be accepted, but in any case, here is the abstract for
> anybody on the list who may be interested in offering feedback:
> The objective of the OpenSSH sftp(1) renovation project is to improve
> the current sftp(1) client to allow its use as a drop-in replacement
> for scp(1). This requires implementing both recursive uploads/
> downloads
> and an scp(1)-compatible command-line interface. The scp(1) command
> has an `-r' flag for recursive transmission, but sftp(1) does not
> currently support this except by manual user intervention in
> interactive mode. Additionally, sftp(1) interactive-mode tab
> completion will be integrated.
> ...
> I searched for sftp-related bugs in Bugzilla and found several
> related to my project plan in one way or another. Beside the issues
> mentioned in the above abstract (which are in the bug list), there
> are a few others which should could/should/would likely be addressed
> in my plan as well.
Maybe if your proposal is accepted you write up a new bug in bugzilla
with all your thoughts. Plus link to any of the existing bugs so we
can all refer back to a single place that has captured everyones ideas
and had all the suggestions prioritized so you know which are the must
haves vs the nice to haves.
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> --
> J.A. Neitzel
> V6 Thompson Shell Port - http://v6shell.org/
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