Hi, I am trying to run an "rm" using SSH, from a Windows Service using the following command line arguments - the aim is to clear the target folder before i SFTP new files to it so that the two folders are then identical. -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostkeyChecking=no -o -i C:\uat_key -l USERNAME MACHINE rm -f /targetfolder/* If I run this from a Windows EXE or Console application everything works fine and the folder is cleared and my SFTP copies the new files over. However, when I run it from the Windows Service the files are deleted but the SSH process doesn?t actually end and therefore my application hangs and the SFTP never happens. Can you tell me why this would be the case for the Windows Service version and ideally how i can get it to work? Alternatively, can you tell me how i can clear the target folder before i do my SFTP? Many thanks RS