there have been several posts regarding Solaris utmp and OpenSSH
problems. The posts I have read, mentioned that using the 'w' command
does not show the correct output when loging on.
For me, openssh-2.1.0p2, Solaris 2.7, sparc the problem goes much
further. After a couple SSH logins, the utmp(x)? file gets screwed up
so badly, that telnet logins are NOT accepted anymore by 'login'.
When loging in with telnet from another client pc, Solaris prints:
" No utmpx entry: Please login from the entry level shell "
Telnet login is NOT possible anymore from this time on.
IMHO, this is quite a serious bug :=)
I hope this problem can be tackled as soon as possible!
PS: Thanks for your work, openssh guys!!!!
Lukas Karrer Email: lkarrer at trash.net
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