OpenSolaris Forums wrote:>>
>> part_i
> Hello, I can''t get this to work. My pc just reboots after
> "Syncing filesystem" when I try to boot into xVM Hypervisor.
> I have a clean install of OpenSolaris 2008.11.
But you should add a limit to dom0_mem on the kernel line in the
grub menu.lst entry... e.g.
title xvm
findroot (pool_rpool,0,a)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/xvm
kernel$ /boot/$ISADIR/xen.gz dom0_mem=2g
module$ /platform/i86xpv/kernel/$ISADIR/unix
/platform/i86xpv/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS,console=text
module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive
Also, For the best experience, you probably should add the
following once you have booted into xVM
svccfg -s xvm/xend setprop config/dom0-min-mem=2000
svcadm refresh xvm/xend;svcadm restart xvm/xend
zfs create rpool/guests
zfs set recordsize=8k rpool/guests
zfs set mountpoint=/guests rpool/guests
# need to reboot after this one.
echo "set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 0x10000000" >> /etc/system