No, the fscat tools can only read certain unmounted file systems.
They cannot write. You can use it to copy data from ocfs
to ocfs2 on a box running the 2.6 kernel (sles9/10, el4/5).
Mehmet Can ?NAL wrote:>
> Hi everyone;
> we have a production system with 6 nodes of RAC upon ocfs file system.
> We will upgrade our production system that we prefer and (also should)
> to migrate our data to ocfs2. Both methods of migration, fscat and
> backup/restore could be useful for us but one thing that we could not
> find is
> 1) If we are using fscp fort he migration method can we use fscp
> to pass data from ocfs to ocfs2. is fscp biwise, it can copy either
> ocfs to ocfs2 and also ocfs2 to ocfs?
> 2) For backup/restore the doubt is the same. We can restore ocfs
> backup to an ocfs2, could we also restore ocfs2 backup to an ocfs volume?
> Thanx a lot
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> sorumluluk dogurabilir.Fintek A.S.'nin bu mesaj ve eklerinin icerigi
> ve yayimi ile ilgili hicbir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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