mkfs.ocfs, as well other ocfs userspace tools, use the raw interface
as a way to perform o_direct operations. They do so because of a
limitation in 2.4.9 (RHAS21).
What it is doing is, mapping /dev/sdf1 to /dev/raw/raw41.
It scans the /dev/raw/rawXX from 0 to 255 and uses the first
raw /dev/raw/raw41 /dev/sdf1
See what the error is. Maybe that raw device is not in /dev/raw.
If not, mknod it.
Vicente M?laga wrote:
>Hello list users.
>I am trying to create an ocfs filesystem but when I execute the command says
>the following thing to me:
>rac01:~ # mkfs.ocfs -b 128 -g oinstall -u oracle -L ocfs_pruebas
>-m /opt/oracle/oradata/OCFS -p 755 /dev/sdf1
>Error opening device /dev/raw/raw41.
>Not a directory
>But it isn't a raw device.
>Any one know why it search for a raw device ?
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