What does 'modprobe -d ocfs' show? If it tells you 'symbols not found' it's the RPMs incompatible with your kernel version. Ensure you have the correct RPMs. Successful 'rpm -ivh' doesn't mean correct installation. Should be: [root@pc33 root]# modprobe -d ocfs ============================================Module ocfs kname ocfs objkey ocfs names: ocfs mode: NORMAL Module matching ocfs: /lib/modules/2.4.9-e.3/kernel/drivers/addon/ocfs/ocfs.o ============================================/sbin/insmod ocfs node_name=pc33 ip_address= ip_port=7000 cs=1825 guid=6910DC92B5ED8894C0EC001083FC2853 Using /lib/modules/2.4.9-e.3/kernel/drivers/addon/ocfs/ocfs.o If correct RPMs, type 'depmod' to force loading of modules. I had to do this once a while when ocfs.o unusually won't load on a new installation. Don't know why. Lawrence