I'm trying to get an energenie EG-UPS-033
(http://energenie.com/item.aspx?id=8087) to work with nut. It standard
comes with linux software (UPSmart), which shows the input/output
voltage, load level, input frequency. and battery and case temperature.
The values change about every second. The selected monitor mode in this
tool is Mega(USB). The bad thing of this tool that it requires an X
server, and does not provide a command line version.
with NUT, I am able to connect to the UPS using the blazer_usb and
nutdrv_qx. However, the reported values are constant, and only change if
I run the UPSmart tool (It can run in parallel). What can I do to get
NUT to receive updated values?
I already tried the various subdrivers, and langid_fix , but to no avail.
Is there a way to sniff the USB communication of the UPSmart?
thanks a lot for your help,
here my details:
OS name and version,: ubuntu 14.04.1 64bit
exact NUT version: 2.74
NUT installation method: from source tarball, package or Subversion,
compiled from source tarball
exact device name and related information (manufacturing date, web
pointers, ?), energenie EG-UPS-033
complete problem description, with any relevant traces, like system
log excerpts, and driver debug output. You can obtain the latter
using the following command, as root and after having stopped NUT:
dmesg output upon connecting the UPS:
[168841.020036] usb 5-2: new low-speed USB device number 8 using uhci_hcd
[168841.187222] usb 5-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0001, idProduct=0000
[168841.187231] usb 5-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=1,
[168841.187236] usb 5-2: Product: MEC0003
[168841.294695] hid-generic 0003:0001:0000.0005: hiddev0,hidraw0: USB
HID v1.11 Device [MEC0003] on usb-0000:00:1d.3-2/input0
output of : sudo /lib/nut/blazer_usb -a myups -u nut -DDDD
0.000000 debug level is '4'
0.166331 Checking device (1D6B/0003) (007/001)
0.166618 - VendorID: 1d6b
0.166667 - ProductID: 0003
0.166698 - Manufacturer: unknown
0.166730 - Product: unknown
0.166761 - Serial Number: unknown
0.166793 - Bus: 007
0.166825 - Device release number: 0316
0.166855 Trying to match device
0.166897 Device does not match - skipping
0.167052 Checking device (1D6B/0002) (006/001)
0.167236 - VendorID: 1d6b
0.167277 - ProductID: 0002
0.167308 - Manufacturer: unknown
0.167339 - Product: unknown
0.167369 - Serial Number: unknown
0.167400 - Bus: 006
0.167431 - Device release number: 0316
0.167461 Trying to match device
0.167497 Device does not match - skipping
0.167584 Checking device (0001/0000) (005/008)
0.179225 - VendorID: 0001
0.179299 - ProductID: 0000
0.179330 - Manufacturer: unknown
0.179361 - Product: MEC0003
0.179392 - Serial Number: unknown
0.179423 - Bus: 005
0.179454 - Device release number: 0100
0.179484 Trying to match device
0.179585 Device matches
0.179666 nut_usb_set_altinterface: skipped
usb_set_altinterface(udev, 0)
0.179755 Trying megatec protocol...
0.179792 send: Q1
0.201201 received 47 (40)
0.201251 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
0.201404 Status read in 1 tries
0.201439 Supported UPS detected with megatec protocol
0.201473 send: F
0.216208 received 22 (35)
0.216267 read: # . . .
0.216325 blazer_rating: parsing failed
0.216358 Rating read 1 failed
0.216390 send: F
0.230202 received 22 (35)
0.230274 read: # . . .
0.230324 blazer_rating: parsing failed
0.230356 Rating read 2 failed
0.230387 send: F
0.245193 received 22 (35)
0.245239 read: # . . .
0.245284 blazer_rating: parsing failed
0.245315 Rating read 3 failed
0.245346 Rating information unavailable
0.245379 send: I
0.265189 received 39 (35)
0.265231 read: # No No No No No No No No No
0.265285 Vendor information read in 1 tries
0.265317 No values provided for battery high/low voltages in ups.conf
0.265379 Using 'guestimation' (low: 0.000000, high: 0.000000)!
0.265428 Battery runtime will not be calculated (runtimecal not set)
0.265504 send: Q1
0.287195 received 47 (40)
0.287267 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
0.287571 dstate_init: sock /var/state/ups/blazer_usb-myups open
on fd 5
0.287642 send: Q1
0.309184 received 47 (40)
0.309232 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
2.289657 send: Q1
2.310891 received 47 (40)
2.310969 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
4.291662 send: Q1
4.313577 received 47 (40)
4.313655 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
6.293654 send: Q1
6.315258 received 47 (40)
6.315334 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
8.295645 send: Q1
8.316944 received 47 (40)
8.317023 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
10.297646 send: Q1
10.319636 received 47 (40)
10.319716 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
12.299648 send: Q1
12.321319 received 47 (40)
12.321399 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
14.301651 send: Q1
14.323004 received 47 (40)
14.323083 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
16.303654 send: Q1
16.325692 received 47 (40)
16.325771 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
18.305656 send: Q1
18.327381 received 47 (40)
18.327462 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
20.307662 send: Q1
20.329063 received 47 (40)
20.329141 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
22.309645 send: Q1
22.331749 received 47 (40)
22.331828 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
24.311628 send: Q1
24.333437 received 47 (40)
24.333516 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
26.313606 send: Q1
26.335123 received 47 (40)
26.335202 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
28.315587 send: Q1
28.336808 received 47 (40)
28.336892 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
30.317591 send: Q1
30.339494 received 47 (40)
30.339577 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
32.319569 send: Q1
32.341185 received 47 (40)
32.341269 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
34.321573 send: Q1
34.342852 received 47 (40)
34.342934 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
36.323578 send: Q1
36.345556 received 47 (40)
36.345639 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
38.325585 send: Q1
38.347245 received 47 (40)
38.347328 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
40.327591 send: Q1
40.348931 received 47 (40)
40.349013 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
42.329593 send: Q1
42.351612 received 47 (40)
42.351695 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
44.331599 send: Q1
44.353285 received 47 (40)
44.353369 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
46.332727 send: Q1
46.354006 received 47 (40)
46.354090 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
48.333670 send: Q1
48.355673 received 47 (40)
48.355757 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
50.335668 send: Q1
50.356354 received 47 (40)
50.356438 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
52.337669 send: Q1
52.359041 received 47 (40)
52.359125 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
54.339669 send: Q1
54.361726 received 47 (40)
54.361809 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
56.341675 send: Q1
56.363411 received 47 (40)
56.363495 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
58.343682 send: Q1
58.365096 received 47 (40)
58.365180 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
60.345660 send: Q1
60.367787 received 47 (40)
60.367871 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
62.347658 send: Q1
62.369470 received 47 (40)
62.369553 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
64.349659 send: Q1
64.370176 received 47 (40)
64.370287 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
66.351663 send: Q1
66.373842 received 47 (40)
66.373926 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
68.353663 send: Q1
68.375526 received 47 (40)
68.375612 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
70.355666 send: Q1
70.377222 received 47 (40)
70.377306 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
72.357664 send: Q1
72.378901 received 47 (40)
72.378985 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
74.359665 send: Q1
74.381597 received 47 (40)
74.381678 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
76.361679 send: Q1
76.383271 received 47 (40)
76.383355 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
78.363676 send: Q1
78.383958 received 47 (40)
78.384041 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
80.365678 send: Q1
80.387643 received 47 (40)
80.387727 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
82.367679 send: Q1
82.389329 received 47 (40)
82.389413 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
84.369680 send: Q1
84.391003 received 47 (40)
84.391087 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
86.371684 send: Q1
86.393708 received 47 (40)
86.393791 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
88.373682 send: Q1
88.395389 received 47 (40)
88.395479 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
90.375685 send: Q1
90.397075 received 47 (40)
90.397158 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
92.377684 send: Q1
92.399763 received 47 (40)
92.399844 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
94.379686 send: Q1
94.401447 received 47 (40)
94.401530 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
96.381689 send: Q1
96.403135 received 47 (40)
96.403219 read: (230.0 000.0 231.0 012 50.0 27.2 29.0 00001000
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