Hi again,
I think I have more debug informations. First of all, I didn't mention
I'm using the netvision mib.
Here's some more precise debug info on the status bit. Let's start with
that works (2.4.1):
SNMP UPS driver : entering su_status_set()
su_find_infoval: found OL (value: 2)
=> value: 2
Now for the dead one (2.4.2+)
0.066555 SNMP UPS driver : entering su_status_set()
0.066574 su_find_infoval: found (value: 2)
0.066587 => value: 2
0.066599 getting data: ups.status (.
0.066612 su_ups_get: ups.status .
0.066624 nut_snmp_get(.
0.068550 SNMP UPS driver : entering su_status_set()
0.068568 su_find_infoval: no matching INFO_* value for this OID value
0.068580 => value: 2
Aside from my messy paste, thanks to the new output, it seems to me that
the exact same value (2) read from the UPS did mean something (OL)
before, but doesn't now, as the no matching INFO states.
I hope this can be fixed.
Fabio Papa
Il giorno mar, 22/06/2010 alle 14.23 +0200, Fabio Papa ha
scritto:> Hi all,
> I recently upgraded an ubuntu jaunty machine with nut 2.4.1 to lucid
> LTS. The previously working nut configuration is a no-go, but I got it
> up and running using the snmp-ups executable from the previous install.
> What it happens (from what I can see at least) is that the status has
> been changed and it's not read as before. In the 2.4.1 release I had an
> "OL" string (online, I presume), while I have a single digit
number in
> 2.4.3 (can't remember what number now).
> upsd seems to talk correctly to the driver, but upsmon cannot make heads
> or tails of the status and reports it as empty (reported as []).
> The strange thing is that, replacing the driver with the 2.4.1 one, it
> just works. The status is OL and upsmon is happy.
> What could be wrong here?
> Thanks!
> Fabio Papa
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