I think this trunk-to-branch interior merge should be clean, but the merge logic
correctly identifies some missing files in the reposurgeon output (checked in
-pre7 and -pre4). They are in SVN on that branch, though (ignoring .gitignore
for the time being). I only see one java file in
scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ from reposurgeon.
trunk -> windows_port: 2011-11-15T10:14:21Z!fbohe-guest at alioth.debian.org
("Merge from trunk 2011-06-27T13:56:51Z!fbohe-guest at
- trunk parent: 2011-11-12T13:48:57Z!arnaud.quette at free.fr ("Add
upsmgBatteryLowCondition OID to the status mapping")
- windows_port parent: 2011-08-11T06:39:31Z!fbohe-guest at alioth.debian.org
("Correct handling of timeout")
reposurgeon% merge /Add upsmgBatteryLowCondition OID to the status
mapping/|/Merge from trunk 2011-06-27T13:56:51Z!fbohe-guest at
reposurgeon: :12157 cannot merge clean at target :12183
reposurgeon: target :12183 is missing these files: scripts/java/.gitignore
docs/man/mge-utalk.txt [and many more]
(Don't get me wrong: we don't necessarily need to identify every single
trunk merge into windows_port, but as I understand it, identifying those merge
points will save our sanity if we ever try to merge that branch back into the
trunk with Git. We may have to do an interactive rebase on the latest trunk to
clean up the patch set, but that's more of an issue with the SVN merge
still trying to find more merge points...
Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail