Hi guys,
I wrote for Arnaud that I tested the liebertgxt2 driver in 2.4.3.
I compare output of Richard's code, Spiros code and nut 2.4.3.
Output of Richard and Spiros codes was same and right.
Output of Liebertgxt2 driver isn't.
Our UPS : Liebert GXT2-1000RT230
Model Name,Firmware version,SN,date of manufactured values was right.
Fields Richard,Spiros liebertgxt2
Battery voltage: 54.9 Volts 94.7
Battery voltage nominal: 55.2 1024.2
Estimated runtime: 158 mins 2426880
Battery charge: 100 % 25600
Real power/ 92 Watts 23808
Load Watts
Apparent power/ 157 VA 40960
Max Load 1000VA 4096
Input voltage: 231.8 Volts 359.3
Output voltage: 230.4 Volts 0.9
Output current: 0.6 Amps 179.2
Output load: 15 % missing
Frequency1: 50.0 Hz 6220.9
Frequency2: 50.0 Hz 6220.9
Frequency3: 50.0 Hz 6220.9
Bypass voltage: 231.8 Volts 359.3
Tempurature: 30.5 C 138.2
I need more function: (battery test, switch on battery, and back online)
This ups has commands what know this features?
Anyone tested this driver?What is your experience this driver?
I try fix this bugs, but someone fixed these bugs, please send me or nut
maillist a mail.
Thanks your all help.
2010/3/31 Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev at gmail.com>
> Hi guys,
> 2010/3/31 Robert Jobbagy <jobbagy.robert at gmail.com>
> Hi Arnaud!
>> I work on a Liebert GXT2 ups again.
>> I wrote for you earlier with this topic.
>> So I have some problem.
>> Spiros doesn't have Liebert GXT2 serial ups any more.
>> He can't help for me.
>> Richard doesn't write answer for me.
>> So i hope in your help.
>> I tried Richard's code (from Richard site :
>> and Spiros code.
>> I compared outputs and there was same.
>> But I tested liebertgxt2 driver in nut and it gave other outputs.
>> I attached a odt file.You find these outputs in the file.
>> I put a same line what is same value in the difference example program
>> driver.
>> I hope you unterstand the odt file structure.
>> if we figure out what is wrong the nut driver then I will make a good
>> driver.
>> I need a good driver and I need more function like Liebert Multilink
>> know(example: self battery test ...)
> sorry, but I'm really overburning currently.
> Robert: please post on nut user list. Put directly the odt content into the
> mail, or add comments on the upsc output on the same lines using something
> like "<=".
> ex: ups.mfr: somevalue <= should be "anothervalue"
> Spiros: I'll process your mail later. but I'll do ;-)
> cheers,
> Arno
Best Regards,
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