2008/11/16 Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com>:> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev at
gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> The remainder, until the -pre stage, will be:
>>>> - the Powerman support (through the powerman driver) for more
>>>> - the possible RRD integration into upslog
>>> It would be nice to have native RRD support in upslog, but we may
>>> want to point people to collectd - the NUT support in collectd is
>>> easy to use, and collectd does a good job of monitoring other
>>> statistics at the same time.
>> I'm not very knowledgeable there!
>> is rrd's end collectd? if so, we can discard this patch and point
>> otherwise, I have a few things underhand for RRD (m4, pkginfo
contributed, ...)
> collectd is a standalone daemon to collect statistics, and its NUT
> plugin connects to upsd via libupsclient.
> The three main outputs of collectd are CSV, RRD and a network feed to
> another collectd instance. There is also a feed to Nagios, and some
> threshold detection and notification support. I have mainly been
> experimenting with the RRD support.
> http://collectd.org/images/architecture-schematic.png
> image from: http://collectd.org/features.shtml
thanks for these info.
so, do you think that it's worth keeping the upslog patch?
or simply relying on collectd with RRD output is fine?
since I'm using neither, I just want to be sure that we don't shoot on
our users feets!
>>> From the NUT perspective , an interesting set of statistics is the
>>> correlation between UPS load and CPU utilization.
>> interesting. I've just been invited to FossCamp / UDS, next
>> at the Googleplex, to talk about that ;-)
>> green / cloud computing, power management, ...
>> this should be a great deal for nut improvement and integration (in
>> Ubuntu at least, though I hope there will be some other distro guys!)
> Excellent!
indeed ^_^
-- Arnaud