[really time to have a rest! This was intended for nut users list...
sorry for the noise]
Dear NUT users and developers,
Like the other years, before taking a small rest, here are some news
related to NUT.
* First, you should have seen the 2.0.5-pre1 release announcement.
I don't think 2.0.5 is very far, but I realized that I've made an
archive including the .svn directory (bad, bad me. I should know that
release are made against exported svn, not checked out!)
* Next, I've merged the preliminary HAL, aka Common Power Management,
support into the trunk.
It's still in alpha shape, but it's improving and now (about to be)
integrated in our brand new automake system. The compilation is
currently broken (@Peter: I've not yet succeeded in giving the good
CFLAGS for libdummy-hal... If you have an idea), so avoid using
--with-hal for the moment.
Some details about this are given in the docs/nut-hal.txt:
* I would like to thanks the NUT Development Team, and especially
Peter Selinger, Charles Lepple, Carlos Rodrigues and Arjen de Korte
for their dedication and support to the project.
And as always, a big thank to MGE which gives me time to work on NUT
during my hourly (knowing that my free private time is near zero...),
and which widely support the Free Software world.
* Now the 4 next tasks for the beginning of 2007 will be:
- NUT 2.0.5 final release,
- the website rewrite using PHP to improve maintainability,
- NUT 2.2, including the new configuration format and tools, and the
first steps toward the HAL integration (see above),
- the preliminary work on NUT 2.4, that is to say the NUT Packaging
Standard (aka NPS) and the new documentation.
* As a last side note, I'm astonished that nobody has relayed that
I hope this will have some good side effect toward NUT ;-)
I will be unreachable until Jan. 2nd/3rd, so I wish you all a Merry
Christmas and an happy New Year.
And the very last word to wish a merry first Christmas to my tiny
Benjamin, 36 days today. May the life be sweet to you my baby.
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - networkupstools.org
Debian Developer - people.debian.org/~aquette
OpenSource Developer - arnaud.quette.free.fr