I really wanted to thank everyone personally for voting for me, but man I don''t have the time. So, like a good programmer I just automated it with espeak: $ speak -w thank_you_everyone.wav -s 168 -v en/en-f -p 60 -a 120 -l 50 -f who.txt $ lame -V2 thank_you_everyone.wav thank_you_everyone.mp3 And now you all get a personalized thanks from some electronic British woman: zedshaw.com/blog/thank_you_everyone.mp3 Some of you might have to wait a while to get your''s but it really comes from the heart. And now for pedro! -- Zed A. Shaw, MUDCRAP-CE Master Black Belt Sifu zedshaw.com awprofessional.com/title/0321483502 -- The Mongrel Book mongrel.rubyforge.org lingr.com/room/3yXhqKbfPy8 -- Come get help.