Debian testing watch
2009-Dec-21 16:39 UTC
[Logcheck-devel] logcheck 1.3.4 MIGRATED to testing
FYI: The status of the logcheck source package in Debian's testing distribution has changed. Previous version: 1.2.69 Current version: 1.3.4 -- This email is automatically generated once a day. As the installation of new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive later changes on the next day. See for more information.
Reasonably Related Threads
- Bug#546771: logcheck fails to locate lockfile-progs at non standart location
- Bug#570207: logcheck wu-ftpd rules do'nt match
- Bug#526911: logcheck: Please set rsyslog as default system log daemon
- Bug#535562: logcheck runs at normal I/O priority, and is hard-coded to nice -n10
- Bug#568815: Redundant messages from dhcpd in logcheck output in "server" mode.