Alex Susu via llvm-dev
2017-Mar-10 11:01 UTC
[llvm-dev] Register allocation error: "Remaining virtual register operands"
Hello. I'm developing a back end for a research SIMD processor. I get the following error: <<Remaining virtual register operands UNREACHABLE executed at /llvm/lib/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.cpp:144!>> (when running with llc -O0, at end? of pass: "FAST REGISTER ALLOCATION") Note that I used the suggestion from to "override requiresRegisterScavenging() and requiresFrameIndexScavenging() in your XXXRegisterInfo class to return true". However, this did not help. A few more details: I create in a pass immediately after the first instruction scheduling phase a physical register (R31, a vector register), which I also reserve in [Target]RegisterInfo::getReservedRegs(). I also use instruction bundles. Could somebody please help me with this problem? Thank you very much, Alex