Necessary super-linear behavior in analysis is pretty rare.
When it does occur, it should mostly be occurring on strange and wonderful
IE andersen's is N^3. You are highly unlikely to find *any* real world
cases that trigger N^3 behavior out of the andersen's implementation in GCC.
Honestly, at the point where you've added more than 1-2 knobs to something,
it's time to reconsider whether that's the best way to do it anymore.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 6:19 AM, Joerg Sonnenberger via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 04:37:58PM -0700, Philip Reames wrote:
> > Cases like this illustrate why we should avoid arbitrary cutoffs in
> analysis
> > passes if at all possible.
> I fully agree on that, but it doesn't help if super-linear behavior,
> both in terms of CPU time and memory use practically happen. It doesn't
> mean that we couldn't e.g. tune the limits based on the optimisation
> level, but currently it is kind of all or nothing.
> Joerg
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