Hi Manoel,
CC'ing the dev list again.
When you say that you are using LLVMOrcJit, what do you mean? Are you
constructing your own stack along the lines of the Kaleidoscope tutorials?
Or are you using OrcMCJITReplacement? You should be able to do what you
want with your own stack, but the OrcMCJITReplacement class has to
replicate MCJIT's behavior, which includes taking ownership of Modules.
Assuming you're using your own stack, I have some observations:
For simple expressions, hopefully you can recognize forms that you have
already compiled and reuse the cached code. Then there's no additional work
to do.
For expressions that haven't been compiled yet I would expect the cost of
compiling the expression to dwarf the cost of building the Module. Have you
profiled your program? Is Module construction actually showing up as a
source of high overhead?
If constructing Modules really is proving to be a big time-sink, some of
the Orc layers* allow you to re-use a Module as many times as you like. The
ModuleSet type for the addModuleSet methods is a template parameter, so
whether or not you pass in ownership is up to you. E.g.
(1) Pass vector of unique_ptrs. Ownership of the Modules is transferred to
the JIT, and Modules cannot be modified.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>> Modules;
// ...
addModuleSet(std::move(Modules), ...);
(2) Pass a vector of raw pointers. Ownership is not transferred to the JIT,
and Modules can be modified and re-added:
std::vector<llvm::Module*> Modules;
// ...
addModuleSet(std::move(Modules), ...);
// ... Modify modules...
addModuleSet(std::move(Modules), ...);
*The ownership models for each of the layers are as follows:
1) ObjectLinkingLayer - Totally ownership agnostic. Object pointers
discarded after use. If the pointer type is unique_ptr this will destroy
the object in the process.
2) IRCompilingLayer - Totally ownership agnostic. Module pointers are
discarded after use. If the pointer type is unique_ptr the will destroy the
module in the process.
3) LazyEmittingLayer - Ownership agnostic API with contract: Modules can
only be modified and re-added after they've been either (a) compiled, or
(b) erased. Adding a module then modifying it before it is compiled or
erased is undefined.
4) CompileOnDemandLayer - Owning. Modules cannot be modified after being
>From what I understand of your use case I think you want the simplest stack
- just the ObjectLinking and IRCompiling layers. These should be totally
compatible with retaining ownership and modify existing modules.
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 7:12 AM, Manoel Teixeira <mbsteixeira at gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I am using the LLVMOrcJit now, but the problems are not solved.
> See this example :
> /* string1
> string2 */
> Static Function GetDataBaseElement(_cDataSource,_cDataSource)
> Local _xRet /* not typed variable */
> _xRet := &(_cDataSource+"->"+_cCampo)
> Return(_xRet)
> This expression (_cDataSource+"->"+_cCampo) concatenates three
> producing something like "TABLEDATASETNAME->FIELDNAME". After
that, the
> token & indicates that I have to compile the string expression and
> it. Once it's compiled, the result will be
> This kind of routine is used all the time by the developers to access
> data. If I already have compiled the expression I justly get the emitted
> code and it's executed else it's compiled and put on cache.
> If I have to create and destroy a llvm::Module every time that I need to
> compile such kind of expression, the perfomance of the the user application
> will be very bad.
> Cheers,
> Manoel
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