Hey All, I have been making some changes to the nightly tester that will hopefully make debugging problems and performance issues easier. The big change is nightly test results will now be kept in a central location (http://llvm.org/nightlytest/index.php). I have committed a new file to utils/ called 'NewNightlyTest.pl'. It *should* behave almost exactly like the previous NightlyTest.pl except that instead of spitting out a web page it will submit the results to llvm.org by an HTTP POST request. I would like to start transitioning testers to the new testing scheme. This will hopefully be a painless process and I have designed NewNightlyTest.pl so that it can be invoked almost the exact same as NightlyTest.pl. The only difference is NewNightlyTest.pl accepts "-nickname YourNicknameHere". This options allows us to name machines for easier reference. For now, host names will act as the best nicknames. So if you are the manager of a nightly test machine, please 1.) run `cvs up` to get NewNightlyTest.pl. 2.) change your settings to call NewNightlyTest.pl instead of NightlyTest.pl. 3.) Add "-nickname YourNicknameHere" to the options passed to NewNightlyTest.pl. Because the new tester uses HTTP to submit the test results, it should work from behind most firewalls. This means potential nightly testers no longer have to host their own webserver and can exist behind firewalls. For example, with this capability Apple can make the results of its internal X86/PPC testers available publicly. Patrick Jenkins