wulfman wrote:
> After the recent attacks on the major servers on the web my ISP has
> decided to stop all ICMP messages from his ISP.
> I have red the RFCs and it seems that he cant do that... As a result
> pings and traceroutes will not work.
Having ping's and traceroutes not working isn't all that horrible.
Stopping the destination unreachable (fragmentation need) ICMP message is
as it will break MTU discovery.
To a network I want relatively secure I've blocked:
echo-requests inbound (ping)
time-exceeded outbound (traceroute)
redirect inbound (could be nasty)
Everything else comes through. I did the first two to stop people learning
more then they need to about the network and the last to stop someone
fooling a machine in to routing packets somewhere it shouldn't.
If anyone out there knows better then I and can suggest other things I
should be blocking or give good reason why I shouldn't block some of these
I'm always willing to learn more.
[mod: P.S. in a previous message I noted that UUNET-NL was filtering
ICMP. I was wrong: From the discussion that followed I learned that it
was the other end of the pipe, my ISP, that was recklessly filtering
Jonathan Benson
Systems Administrator
Ocean Internet
From mail@mail.redhat.com Thu Mar 2 10:29:17 2000
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Subject: [linux-security] Re: ICMP
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> breaking e.g. path MTU discovery. -- REW]
This is a good URL to refer clueless administrators to:
Path MTU Discovery and Filtering ICMP
"dhbgr zr ba guvf bar - biretnna bc Rkpunatr vf rra jvwf orfyhvg" --
(punatrq gb ebg13 nsgre frireny frevbhfyl fbhaqvat guerngf).
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To all those that wanted to know how I was filtering particular
ICMP packets here is a few snippets from my firewall script which is
based on one by Ian Hall-Beyer. I hope this helps you get started.
Also note the output of the command:
ipchains -h icmp
Shawn Mitchell mentioned blocking all ICMP echos and especially
broadcast echos. Perhaps he'd care to elaborate with a similar
example? I believe he means inbound replys to stop someone spoofing
your IP and then flooding your network with ICMP replies?
Whilst I'm mentioning these sorts of things, one thing you should ALL be
doing at your firewalls is dropping packets that can't have originated
from inside your network or shouldn't be allowed out (eg the
subnet, etc) to stop spoofing and indeed inbound packets that could only
have originated from inside your network.
If all routers/firewalls did this spoofing would be a thing of the
past. A nice thought but not likely to happen.
Anyway, here's the bits of my script:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
Interfaces -
# External Interface
# This is the interface that is your link to the world
# Internal Interface
# This is the interface to your LAN
# Secured Interface
# This is the interface you want secured
# ------------------------------------------------------- Variable
definition -
# Set the location of ipchains.
# You shouldn't need to change anything in the rest of this section
EXTERNIP=`$IFCONFIG $EXTERNIF | grep inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \ -f
EXTERNMASK=`$IFCONFIG $EXTERNIF | grep Mask | cut -d : -f 4`
echo "Extern NET: $EXTERNNET"
INTERNIP=`$IFCONFIG $INTERNIF | grep inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \ -f
INTERNMASK=`$IFCONFIG $INTERNIF | grep Mask | cut -d : -f 4`
echo "Intern NET: $INTERNNET"
SECUREIP=`$IFCONFIG $SECUREIF | grep inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \ -f
SECUREMASK=`$IFCONFIG $SECUREIF | grep Mask | cut -d : -f 4`
echo "Secure NET: $SECURENET"
# -------------------------------------- Flush everything, start from
scratch -
echo -n "Flushing rulesets.."
# Incoming packets from the outside network
$IPCHAINS -F input
echo -n "."
# Outgoing packets from the internal network
$IPCHAINS -F output
echo -n "."
echo "Done!"
# -------------------------------------------------- Allow loopback
interface -
echo -n "Loopback.."
$IPCHAINS -A input -i lo -s $ANYNET -d $ANYNET -j ACCEPT
$IPCHAINS -A output -i lo -s $ANYNET -d $ANYNET -j ACCEPT
echo -n ".."
echo "Done!"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -n "ICMP Rules.."
# Use this to deny ICMP attacks from specific addresses
# $IPCHAINS -A input -b -i $EXTERNALIF -p icmp -s <address> -d $ANYNET
# echo -n "."
# Only allows certain ICMP to the Secure network
# Blocks 'pings' from external sources
$IPCHAINS -A input -p icmp -s $EXTERNNET echo-request -d $SECURENET -j
# Blocks traceroutes (or the response to them)
$IPCHAINS -A output -p icmp -s $SECURENET time-exceeded -d $INTERNNET -j
$IPCHAINS -A output -p icmp -s $SECURENET time-exceeded -d $EXTERNNET -j
# Block redirects from entering the Secure network
$IPCHAINS -A input -p icmp -s $EXTERNNET redirect -d $SECURENET -j DENY
# Allow all ICMP
$IPCHAINS -A input -p icmp -s $ANYNET -d $ANYNET -j ACCEPT
echo -n ".."
echo "Done!"
Jonathan Benson
Systems Administrator
Ocean Internet
From mail@mail.redhat.com Fri Mar 3 02:53:54 2000
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To: sysadmin@ocean.com.au, wulfman <wulfman@wulfman.com>
Cc: "linux-security@redhat.com" <linux-security@redhat.com>
Subject: [linux-security] Re: ICMP
In-Reply-To: <38BC7B4C.832F9841@ocean.com.au>
References: <38BB4867.3770A005@wulfman.com>
Message-Id: <E12Qh0m-0006h9-00@washu.furryterror.org>
From: Zygo Blaxell <zblaxell@washu.furryterror.org>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 20:36:12 -0500
In security.redhat.linux-security, you wrote:>To a network I want relatively secure I've blocked:
>echo-requests inbound (ping)
>time-exceeded outbound (traceroute)
>redirect inbound (could be nasty)
>Everything else comes through. I did the first two to stop people learning
>more then they need to about the network and the last to stop someone
>fooling a machine in to routing packets somewhere it shouldn't.
I've used ISP's that have somewhat haphazard router configurations
where ICMP redirects are necessary. In this case the ISP is configuring
client machines to use an "advertised" router as the default gateway,
when in fact multiple routes separated by subnet are necessary. The ISP
configures routing properly on the "advertised" router, and relies on
the router to send every client machine ICMP redirects to the "real"
routers that will actually forward the traffic to the right places.
If you block ICMP redirect from this particular ISP, you will lose
Internet access unless you phone them often to keep up with their network
configuration of the month.
Try to avoid this sort of ISP if you can. ;-)
In Linux 2.2, the ICMP redirect messages create entries in the route
cache. From a security point of view, it's similar to ARP cache for
Ethernet, except for a few minor differences--packet format, timeouts,
and sequence of events in the protocol--the semantics are similar enough
to consider one to be a superset of the other for security purposes.
If you're in a situation where you're on Ethernet (switched or not)
with someone you don't trust, don't worry about ICMP redirect spoofing
until you've first solved the MAC/ARP spoofing problem. Once you've
that, then you can meaningfully block incoming ICMP redirects. As ugly
as it sounds, more and more Internet feeds (even commercial ones) are
popping up with wide-area switched Ethernet somewhere at the ISP's site
due to the popularity and resulting cheapness of *DSL and cable modems.
ICMP redirect can only be effectively used to redirect traffic to a
different gateway on the same subnet, or to a different subnet attached
to your machine (and that might be subject to some sanity checking in
the kernel to prevent exactly that kind of abuse). IIRC (I apologize
if I get this wrong, but I'm waiting for my Internet feed to come back
up as I write this so I can't easily consult an RFC near me ;-) ICMP
redirects are not supposed to be forwarded, and even if they were,
they don't make a lot of sense when they are.
ICMP redirect to a different interface on your machine can be contained
by using ipchains on output rules to block packets with the wrong source
or destination addresses. I configure ipchains to block source or
destination addresses that I use on my private networks on all network
interfaces connected to the Internet. If, for any reason, packets are
redirected from the private side interface to the public Internet, they
won't get past the firewall. This converts a potential confidentiality
breach or IP spoofing attack into a simple denial of service.
Here's some common configurations and what an attacker can get if
the attacker can cause your machine to send data to the wrong host on
a subnet:
1. ISP gives you a router and a subnet. The router has one IP in that
subnet, and all the other IP's are yours. Here, ICMP redirect can only
be used to direct traffic from one of your hosts to another...and the
other host will just send an ICMP redirect back to correct the error. ;-)
2. ISP gives you a router and a single point-to-point address (e.g. a
PPP-based connection). ICMP redirect here is useless, since all possible
outgoing routes will go to your point-to-point peer, which will consult
its own routing table to process them.
3. ISP gives you a box that emulates switched Ethernet. Attacker can
redirect packets to any IP address on the switched Ethernet, possibly
including machines controlled by your attacker. See above about MAC/ARP
OpenPGP email preferred at <zblaxell@feedme.hungrycats.org>.
OpenPGP key available on keyserver.net and other fine keyservers.
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From mail@mail.redhat.com Mar 21:01:39 2000 -0500
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Mon, 6 Mar 2000 21:01:39 -0500
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Subject: [RHSA-2000:006-01] New nmh packages available
Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
Approved: gafton@redhat.com
To: redhat-watch-list@redhat.com
From: bugzilla@redhat.com
Cc: bugtraq@securityfocus.com, linux-security@redhat.com
Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Mime-version: 1.0
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 20:59 -0500
Red Hat, Inc. Security Advisory
Synopsis: New nmh packages available
Advisory ID: RHSA-2000:006-01
Issue date: 2000-03-06
Updated on: 2000-03-06
Product: Red Hat Linux
Keywords: nmh mime mhshow
Cross references: N/A
1. Topic:
New nmh packages are available to fix a security problem in
mime header parsing.
2. Relevant releases/architectures:
Red Hat Linux 5.2 - i386 alpha sparc
Red Hat Linux 6.0 - i386 alpha sparc
Red Hat Linux 6.1 - i386 alpha sparc
3. Problem description:
By creating specially formed MIME headers, it was possible
to have nmh's 'mhshow' utility execute arbitrary shell code.
It is recommended that all users of nmh upgrade to the fixed
4. Solution:
For each RPM for your particular architecture, run:
rpm -Fvh [filename]
where filename is the name of the RPM.
5. Bug IDs fixed (bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla for more info):
9921 - security bug in nmh
6. Obsoleted by:
7. Conflicts with:
8. RPMs required:
Red Hat Linux 5.2:
Red Hat Linux 6.0:
Red Hat Linux 6.1:
9. Verification:
MD5 sum Package Name
158d9ce6bcbc130fdcc069218440c14e 6.0/alpha/nmh-1.0.3-6x.alpha.rpm
34ff509708a6878e9b58b5ed98cb27df 5.2/alpha/nmh-1.0.3-5x.alpha.rpm
158d9ce6bcbc130fdcc069218440c14e 6.1/alpha/nmh-1.0.3-6x.alpha.rpm
829927f436bab62a4a6b3e9ba0b8ab36 6.0/SRPMS/nmh-1.0.3-6x.src.rpm
383e55c58bea25d6fa73216e86fc27ba 5.2/SRPMS/nmh-1.0.3-5x.src.rpm
829927f436bab62a4a6b3e9ba0b8ab36 6.1/SRPMS/nmh-1.0.3-6x.src.rpm
ca6a19156b88516362e9404b8ac8fd06 5.2/sparc/nmh-1.0.3-5x.sparc.rpm
59a31706a3747717e6aaec9c5f1b3122 6.0/sparc/nmh-1.0.3-6x.sparc.rpm
59a31706a3747717e6aaec9c5f1b3122 6.1/sparc/nmh-1.0.3-6x.sparc.rpm
5633c3097e0f6503615957778d572b52 5.2/i386/nmh-1.0.3-5x.i386.rpm
272c5a8bbdd1c6b7ed60595cf4521d01 6.0/i386/nmh-1.0.3-6x.i386.rpm
272c5a8bbdd1c6b7ed60595cf4521d01 6.1/i386/nmh-1.0.3-6x.i386.rpm
These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security. Our key
is available at:
You can verify each package with the following command:
rpm --checksig <filename>
If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or
tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command:
rpm --checksig --nogpg <filename>
10. References:
From mail@mail.redhat.com Mar 11:41:44 2000 -0500
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Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:41:44 -0500
Message-Id: <200003301641.LAA30849@lacrosse.corp.redhat.com>
Subject: [RHSA-2000:008-01] ircii buffer overflow
Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
Approved: ewt@redhat.com
To: redhat-watch-list@redhat.com
From: bugzilla@redhat.com
Cc: linux-security@redhat.com, bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Mime-version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:41 -0500
Red Hat, Inc. Security Advisory
Synopsis: ircii buffer overflow
Advisory ID: RHSA-2000:008-01
Issue date: 2000-03-29
Updated on: 2000-03-29
Product: Red Hat Linux
Keywords: N/A
Cross references: ircii 4.4M buffer dcc
1. Topic:
A buffer overflow exists in ircii,
2. Relevant releases/architectures:
Red Hat Linux 4.2 - i386 alpha sparc
Red Hat Linux 5.2 - i386 alpha sparc
Red Hat Linux 6.0 - i386 alpha sparc
Red Hat Linux 6.1 - i386 alpha sparc
Red Hat Linux 6.2 - i386 sparc
3. Problem description:
A buffer overflow exists in ircii's dcc chat capability.
An attacker could use this overflow to execute code
as the user of ircii.
It is recommended that users of ircii update to the
fixed pacakges:
Compatibility note: ircii's library directory has
moved from /usr/lib/irc to /usr/share/irc.
4. Solution:
For each RPM for your particular architecture, run:
rpm -Fvh [filename]
where filename is the name of the RPM.
5. Bug IDs fixed (bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla for more info):
10339 - ircii overflow bug. please upgrade ircii. again.
6. Obsoleted by:
7. Conflicts with:
8. RPMs required:
Red Hat Linux 4.2:
Red Hat Linux 5.2:
Red Hat Linux 6.2:
9. Verification:
MD5 sum Package Name
e9cb2195648bf1cc55e00b28f98b090e 5.2/sparc/ircii-4.4M-0.5.2.sparc.rpm
73c9eb162c48a162c2f5ef8c625fba53 4.2/i386/ircii-4.4M-0.4.2.i386.rpm
e44491fe29858c1884196a0cd40fc60d 6.2/i386/ircii-4.4M-1.i386.rpm
324779062a29903f3c2fff581c620425 5.2/i386/ircii-4.4M-0.5.2.i386.rpm
dfed6e42c23064d6b6af88b83c45d67d 4.2/alpha/ircii-4.4M-0.4.2.alpha.rpm
122d90adde4e18db9f7c69143a4334e1 4.2/SRPMS/ircii-4.4M-0.4.2.src.rpm
95c765b3fb7c76dc7d2de1fe1853e3ca 6.2/SRPMS/ircii-4.4M-1.src.rpm
ca748c0df16cda0de83c21b53eb48351 5.2/alpha/ircii-4.4M-0.5.2.alpha.rpm
a14830ab1d939150e7cb38ab57eecfed 5.2/SRPMS/ircii-4.4M-0.5.2.src.rpm
be7db62bbab9c34801f7c1e08983f34e 4.2/sparc/ircii-4.4M-0.4.2.sparc.rpm
a759d5ea66514b4e12e59a8c173d65d9 6.2/sparc/ircii-4.4M-1.sparc.rpm
These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security. Our key
is available at:
You can verify each package with the following command:
rpm --checksig <filename>
If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or
tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command:
rpm --checksig --nogpg <filename>
10. References: