Is multiple VNC connections/desktops supported?
If I understood LightDM launch a Xvnc instance with a greeter
for login. Correct?
Em 15/09/2011, ?s 02:43, Robert Ancell escreveu:
> The VNC server just listens to the appropriate TCP/IP port and then
> runs Xvnc which does the actual VNC communication. Ideally I'd be
> able to do the same thing for RDP then the daemon doesn't get any more
> complicated, and a bug in the RDP layer can't crash the server.
> I don't know enough about how NX works but I suspect we could do the
> same thing as for VNC and RDP.
> I'm copying this to the LightDM lists in case anyone else has some
> interest in this.
> On 14 September 2011 04:49, Marcelo Boveto Shima <marceloshima at> wrote:
>> The vnc server is implemented inside lightdm and not as a greeter, am I
>> Are you implementing Xrdp support?
>> As far as I can see a basic Xrdp support should be very similar to the
>> support. But the Xrdp developer are implementing channels for usb/audio
>> passthrough.
>> NX protocol is a statefull shell implementation. So it is not as easy
as RDP and
>> VNC.
>> Is there a way to implement the NX support using Vala? Like a plugin? A
>> Regards,
>> Marcelo
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Robert Ancell <robert.ancell at> wrote:
>>> Cool, let me know if you need any information.
>>> btw, you have a stray 265 in the following line:
>>> return (ord(chars[0]) * 256 * 256 * 265) + (ord(chars[1]) * 256
>>> 256) + (ord(chars[2]) * 256) + ord(chars[3])
>>> On 13 September 2011 06:57, Marcelo Boveto Shima <marceloshima
at> wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> I am really glad to know that you are working on this.
>>>> So I will start planning to add NX support to it.
>>>> The vnc work you did is in a public repository?
>>>> The FreeRDP and the XRDP projects have the same maintainer.
>>>> I think what you need is something like this:
>>>> This is the project I was talking about. It is not the last
version, but
>>>> the rdp probably didn't changed.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Marcelo
>>>> On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Robert Ancell
<robert.ancell at> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marcelo,
>>>>> You brought up a while ago about using LightDM for remote
login. I
>>>>> now have it working with VNC using Xvnc. I was looking for
>>>>> equivalent for RDP (i.e. an X server that acts as an RDP
server). Do
>>>>> you know if one exists? The xrdp project seems to be more
>>>>> than I want (i.e. it's running the greeter and session
>>>>> The next step is talking to the freerdp people and see if
they know.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> --Robert