On 2016-03-23 00:49, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:> Dear All,
> I'm reading the following pages:
> http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/TaskRoutedNetworkSetupVirtManager
> http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/TaskNATSetupVirtManager
> http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/TaskIsolatedNetworkSetupVirtManager
> routed mode, NAT mode and Isolated mode, But above pages explain with
> GUI, a sysadmin forgets GUI...
> Question is What's replacement of above command?
virsh and editing XMLs:
In the beginning it's probably helpful to create your configurations in
the GUI and inspect the resulting XML configuation with virsh.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwedas@tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167