Something like this should work, as can be seen in the
documentation here : http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsGraphics
<graphics type='rdp' autoport='yes' />
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use the VirtualBox/vbox driver together with libvirt
> on a Ubuntu Lucid Machine, VirtualBox Release 3.1.
> The goal is to run the virtual machines headless and to connect using RDP.
> When starting a virtual domain using 'virsh start
<domainname>' the GUI
> of VirtualBox will pop up and I see no option to prevent this. If X is
> not running, the virsh command will terminate with 'unknown
> I've found some hints on inclusion of the headless statement in the
> 'graphics' part of the XML definition file, but when I tree to
> this, the editing of the file will crash.
> Has anyone achieved to manage VBox machines with libvirt on a headless
> server ?
> Thanks in advance for some hints or experiences with this issue,
> Christian
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