Thanks a lot. One more thing if I may... Will I just download and
install the packages from the ?
On 7/28/16, Pino Toscano <>
wrote:> Hi,
> On Thursday, 28 July 2016 16:27:24 CEST M.H. Hasan Bhuiyan wrote:
>> I am a newbie in coding. I am using ubuntu 14.04 in my machine and
>> installed libguestfs by the following command:
>> sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools
>> I get to run guestfish properly from terminal. But as it happens I
>> want to write a program in C++ and i want to include the guestfs.h
>> file in the program. I have tried and searched many options but have
>> not found any. Is there something I am doing wrong? Can you please
>> help me getting the file. If you can show me a way then it would be
>> great cause I have been trying for three days in a row.
> libguestfs-tools contains just the command line utilities provided by
> libguestfs. In a distribution like Ubuntu, the headers for developing
> with a library are usually shipped in development packaged named
> <library>-dev. In the case of libguestfs on Ubuntu, the right
> is libguestfs-dev -- you can also check the online resource
> which helps to find packages available in
> Ubuntu, and also to locate files shipped.
> --
> Pino Toscano