Hi guys,
I run an internet cafe with 40 odd computers in it and would like some
sugestions on sharing the data evenly for udp and tcp data.
Currently i have all tcp data put into a class thats half our link speed and
udp data doesnt get class''d at all. which works well but also means
that the
line doesnt get shared in terms of bandwidth evenly.
What i would like tho is to setup a parent class of 1mbit then have 2 leafs
below that, with one leaf being tcp and the other udp setting the rate to
512 on both and a ceiling of 1M so if no one is playing games there is
bandwidth to utalise the line to leech away. Yet if people are playing games
then there will be enough bandwidth for that as well without surfing the net
being affected.
I tried setting the above up and it kinda works but the latency is huge for
UDP data
any recomendations of sharing the line for tcp and udp? with onbiously udp
being priority 1..
cheers guys for the help!
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