On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 08:05, kaushalender1 wrote:> Hi group,
> I am new to this group and linux.we have a linux box on which we are
> giving bandwidth to multiple customers..this box have two ethernet
>interface eth0 and eth1 .Eth0 is directly connected to internet and
>eth1 is connected to customer, for examle eth1 have 10.10.X.x series
>and wth1:1 have 10.11.x.x series .Can any body help in restricting
>bandwidth 48 kbps for 10.10.x.x and 64 for 10.11.x.x and make a
>utilization graph of there bandwidt i will be highly thankfull
You could have posted a better question instead of simply asking the
list how to do everything. If you don''t know how to do simple bandwidth
management stuff I would suggest not trying. If you are so new to
Traffic control and Linux, get some professional consulting.
ANyway read up on the following and then get back to the list after
forming a proper question:
Linux Advanced Routing HOWTO
Traffic Control HOWTO
Traffic Control howto will tell you a lot about what you want.
LARTC list archives
I would suggest using HTB for this.
Animesh Bansriyar <animesh@neolinuxsolutions.com>
http://neolinuxsolutions.com, +91-651-3112497, 3122401.
Linux Intranet/Internet Servers, Specialised E-mail Setups,
Enterprise Database and Directory Services, Linux Application
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