hi I would like to ask is the following config correct for what I want to achieve ... Scenario: I have 3 networks,, and most of the users use 1 IP, some of them more... If I make flat u32-filter search the box will make aprox/max 3 * 256 = 768 checks for every IP, so i''m deciding to deploy u32 hashes.. Here is the config I think to use (i''m ommiting some of the filter syntax for simplicity) : protocol ip u32 #what is the divisor meaning !? handle 5: protocol ip u32 divisor 256 u32 ht 800:: match ip src match ip src match ip src #13 is the third octet in the IP address isnt ''it hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 13 link 5: # c => 12 , u32 ht 5:c: match ip src flowid 1:1 u32 ht 5:c: match ip src flowid 1:2 ..... # 30 => 48 u32 ht 5:30: match ip src flowid 1:257 u32 ht 5:30: match ip src flowid 1:258 ...... #38 => 56 u32 ht 5:38: match ip src flowid 1:513 .................. If that is OK, then my next question comes in :").. if I know how much networks I will support with a given qos-box to calculate the best possible variant how to subdivide filters.. I mean it will be better if I divide them not by class-C but on smaller group...Lets make some calculations : I expect to handle maximum 10 class C networks with one box. This means that if the checks are divided by class-C (like above) the max number of check would be (calculations are aproximate so that they are easy for understanding) : class-C ===> 10 + 256 = 267 checks If I divide the check for every 128 ip''s now first level checks goes from 10 --> 20 128 ip''s level1 ===> 20 + 128 = 148 next.... 64 ip''s level1 ===> 40 + 64 = 104 next ..... 32 ip''s level1 ===> 80 + 32 = 112 From the calculation is seen that for my scenario of 10 class-C nets the best will be to divide the checks per 64 ip''s. So my question is how TO DO IT ? i.e. make the hash check in a way to compare sub-nets ? example pls ? I have to change the hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 13 to : hashkey mask 0x000000XX at 13 :"), fill in.. For those that dont see reason for doing this, one more calculation : 10 class-C nets * 256 ips = 2560 checks so in the simple classC scenario we have 10 fold speed up, and for the 64 ips - 25 times faster.... Subquestion : is there a way to see exactly which subsystem takes what cpu time, on the top/atop output we see just the total SYSTEM cpu time but now how it is divided by the net framework.. if we have such info we will know how to tune the system better ?! tia _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / LARTC@mailman.ds9a.nl mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: lartc.org
Hello, raptor, On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 14:11:10 +0200 raptor <raptor@tvskat.net> wrote: [ cut for simplicity''s sake ] : I have to change the : hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 13 : to : : hashkey mask 0x000000XX at 13 :"), fill in.. Probably 0x40? And btw, you are doing hashes by source IP, right? Why is that - some kind of ingress filtering? For a dest should this be "at 16"? : Subquestion : is there a way to see exactly which subsystem takes what cpu time, on the top/atop : output we see just the total SYSTEM cpu time but now how it is divided by the net framework.. : if we have such info we will know how to tune the system better ?! Have you tried sar? Debian: apt-get install atsar In general, I could be of no help, but I''m also very much interested in any replies you receive about a working hash syntax and methodology. Please share them with us. ;) ________________________________________________________________________ Cheers, Nickola -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCM d? s:- a- C++++ UL++++ P+ L++++ E--- W-- N o K- w-- O- M- V- PS+ PE Y PGP- t 5 X R- tv- b+++ DI-- D+ G e h-- r y** ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------