Hi, This type of problem has been asked before but I didn''t see any answers. I have adsl at home, with a 512/8Kbit down/up-stream, and I divided the downstream on my gateay over 3 interfaces, but the problem is that you can''t borrow unused bandwith from other interfaces. [ppp0] [eth0] internet---------linux 2.4-----------subnet 1 gateway \ [eth2]| \[eth1] | \ | subnet 2 | subnet 3 f.e. on subnet 1 there is only one user, and since there are 4 users at the moment, I gave him 128Kbit, but if the rest of the users arent''t downloading anything, he still can''t use more than the 128Kbit, which is a waste. Is it possible to route all the incoming data from ppp0 to some sort of dummy device, before sending it to the proper interface, and do the limiting on the dummy device? Or perhaps use the loopback device? I suspect there are more people using this setup, so I would suspect that someone can tell me more. Jan Willem