Hi all. I now consider my journey to kbuildtify klibc as completed. All parts of klibc does now use kbuild (expect syslinux on purpose). So now it's time for you to fetch the git tree and try playing with the new build machinery. I have requested, and I still miss some inputs. If someone could explain me the exact ruleset of when we want to use strip that would be helpfull. For now we almost do not strip, but it should be easy to add. I also expect a few bugs to shw up. Once I asked why the shared versions did not work, and they appaer to ecpect klibc#hash#.so i /lib - which is generally not the case. I have not found a way to tell the shared versions to look elsewhere. Maybe you can assist with this info? Fell free to give me _any_ feedback. That will allow me to improve the kbuild integraton. The klibc tree with kbuild integrated is available at: rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/libs/klibc/sam/klibc-kbuild.git Enjoy, Sam