I am new to the list and Icecast, a web developer and I support a local
non-profit radio station who recently lost their engineer handling
stream recordings using Icecast/Darkice. All has been fine and I have
now a bit of experience with doing the recent schedule changes, only
updated cron jobs, but familiarized myself with streamripper being used
for recordings. I do manage the ruby scripts that name the files, add to
the web db and publish the files to a web server for listening via our
website jPlayer plugin. Our typical streamripper cron command looks like
/usr/bin/streamripper -d
/var/mp3/`/bin/date +%u_%H` -s -z -a -l 3600 -m 30 > /dev/null 2>&1
We publish files throughout the day in hourly segments, but for the last
several weeks, we have been experiencing issues with playback of these
mp3 files in Google Chrome on Windows. We have been producing these
files for years, now half or more of them being produced do not play,
even old ones from 2 years ago that used to play fine. First recognized
the issue when the website refused to play many of the files on Windows,
then tried accessing the files directly from the web server archive
index to play directly in the browser. The browser player appears but
never starts playing and reports the wrong time for the files with the
issue. I've tried on Linux and Apple devices using Chrome and the files
play fine without the problem. After downloading one of the files,
opening in Adobe Audition and saving in VBR format, then uploading back
to the server, it played fine.
After reading other posts similar to our issue, we have tried changing
the format from using CBR to VBR in darkice.cfg, but issue persists.
I've also tried uploading a recorded file with the issue to another web
server running Nginx, same issue with playing file in Chrome on Windows
via the web server. The recordings continue to produce files that both
play and at least half do not play. Before we continue to try changes, I
wanted to check here to see if anyone else has seen this issue or been
able to resolve?
The mount point in darkice.cfg file looks like this:
format = mp3
bitrateMode = cbr
bitrate = 128
quality = 0.9
server = localhost
mountPoint = archive
port = 8001
password = <<pass>>
name = Archiver Stream
description = Dedicated archiving stream.
url = <<url>>
genre = <<genre>>
public = no