wow, that's write, bash me for no reason.
apparently you don't realize the hours i've been putting into this.
you have given me the ability to stream on your station and i appreciate that.
however, i don't like the idea of someone who i hardly know going into my
computer with a program i know nothing about.
you know, there's two sides to every story.
how about running your mouth before getting all of the facts, you give someone
a chance to figure this stuff out.
let's face it, i hardly know you and you want to co into my computer, have
access to all of my files, i'm just not comfortable with you doing that.
the things you've sent have helped and again, i appreciate them and am
slowly figuring this stuff out.
if you don't want to help that's fine but you've no write to be
telling others who they shouldn't help.
as i've said, there's two sides to every story.
there's reasons why people want to do things and there's reasons why
some people won't do others and until i get to know you, i don't want
you to be able to access my files here on my mac.
streaming is a hobby.
i write music as a career.
i'll be recording and streaming on the same computer. i don't want
anything to happen to it.
i'm sorry you feel the way you do, but this is something you should have
discussed with me like an adult.
sad thing of it is, some kids are more mature then some adults.
good grief.
Your friend in the music industry
follow me on twitter @timothyclark13
to check out music, photos, videos, press, show dates, and more go to
feel free to give me a call at
note, if i don't answer your call just leave me a voicemail and i'll
get back in contact with you as soon as possible
thanks and god bless
On Oct 17, 2013, at 12:19 AM, Scott Winterstein wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 6:04 AM, Scott Winterstein
> <scottsdeskcpu at> wrote:
>> Timothy Clark
>> Fair warning to anyone helping this guy I spent over 9 hours trying to
>> help him, and he chooses to fiddle with things and not trying let
>> someone just help him... hes not worth the efforts.
> Set him up with this
> and this
> offered him a Sunday all day access to our Private Icecast Server Here
> we stream in mp3 and he has mac and insist he cannot get mp3 to work
> even though there is a way to do this. It just meant uninstalling the
> new version and going with an older version and using a file from an
> installation of Lame, to which I helped by sending him all files he
> needed and offered to remote in and configure him for free, he would
> pay nothing, just to help the guy out. What do I get an email saying
> he will eventually figure it out and no one thank you... very confused
> by this dude. He said as soon as he figures it out he will get back in
> touch with me and help our station you dont have anything
> man I already have a station streaming and working and your helping
> me... laughable...
>> Mit freundlichen Gr??en
>> Scott Winterstein
>> EMAIL: scottsdeskcpu at
>> PHONE: +49 0151 279 11519 Calls from USA +49 151 279 11519
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